Thursday, December 17, 2009
Thursday in Mrs.Bognetti's Room
This morning, after we wrote in our journals, we reviewed words with spr-, str- and thr-. The students turned in their spelling worksheet. We reviewed the vocabulary words and completed a worksheet together. We read about making inferences and did a workbook page. We also practiced writing abbreviations and completed our DLP. We got through three centers today. At the end of literacy, we read with our Book Buddies. They made us some holiday puzzles that we enjoyed a lot! This afternoon, we reviewed for and took our math test on graphs and data analysis. We also did an explore activity in science, read our last lesson, and began reviewing for our test tomorrow. The students have one page of science homework to complete. They also made a flipbook to help them study vocabulary words. Keep in mind that there is a spelling test, reading test, and science test tomorrow! Please work with your child tonight to ensure his/her success!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Wednesday--Miss Calderone's class
Today went by super fast! We started out our day correcting our DLP and then immediately listened to Watermelon Day. We discussed the story together, but Officer Peterson came and visited us so we had to finish when she left. Please look for a packet from Officer Peterson in your child's take home folder to be discussed at home. After the story we completed 1 center. Time was going by too fast and before we knew it, our J.A. teachers were here for the last time! They gave us such a nice treat bag! Our morning ended finishing two centers. After lunch we silent read for a bit and then jumped into math. We learned what inferences are and practiced making inferences in our book. We got with partners to complete a worksheet, but again, time ran out! We went to library after math and finished the day with our book buddies.
The homework for tonight is to read Watermelon Day, complete math 11-7, and study for the science test tomorrow! We also have a math test so please practice reading/making graphs!
The homework for tonight is to read Watermelon Day, complete math 11-7, and study for the science test tomorrow! We also have a math test so please practice reading/making graphs!
Wednesday in Mrs. Bognetti's Class
This morning Officer Peterson came and talked to the class again. She has assigned a homework packet that should be done with a parent and returned on Friday. She will do a follow-up session with our class when we come back in January. Then, we reviewed words with spr-, str-, and thr-. The students have a spelling page for homework. Some students turned it in and others need to finish tonight. We re-read the story Watermelon Day in groups. We completed our DLP and grammar (capitalizing the names of holidays) as well. Then, we got through three centers today. Our class won "extra recess" with Mr. Langman this week, so the children were excited to play with him for 15 minutes! Then, in Science, we read about how we can care for natural resources. We completed two worksheets together in class today. We will have a Science Test on Friday...don't forget! In math today, we used inferencing skills to solve problems, as well as our ability to read and use different types of charts. The students have one page of math homework. At the end of the day, we had our last session of Junior Achievement and we went to the library.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Tuesday in Mrs. Bognetti's Class
This morning we learned a lot! First, we reviewed our words with the wr, gn, and kn patterns. The students have one page of spelling homework. Then, we discussed the meanings of our vocabulary words and watched a Power Point presentation to review. We talked about inferencing when we read (using what we already know and the story clues to figure out what the author doesn't tell us). Then, we read the story Watermelon Day. We discussed how hard it is to wait for something exciting to happen and repeatedly asking, "Is it time yet?". Then, we wrote what happened in the beginning, middle and end of the story. We also sang a watermelon song. After, we completed our DLP and did a workbook page to practice abbreviations of days of the week and months of the year. We completed two centers today. In Social Studies, we read how apples are grown and shipped to stores for us to consume. In math, we used information to create different types of graphs. We will be having a math test on Thursday. The students have one page of homework in math. At the end of the day, we went to art. Just a heads-up...we will have a Science Test on Friday before break. A note is coming home today showing the pages that need to be studied.
Tuesday--Miss Calderone's class
Our day began writing in our journal and correcting our DLP. We discussed what pollution is and wrote about ways to help keep our Earth clean. We volunteered answers and came up with a great list of ways to help stop polluting. We then reviewed the chunks for our spelling list and read a couple sentences with words that included the chunks. We discussed the vocabulary for the story and then moved on to read the story. The students were a bit restless so we partnered up to finish reading the story with a friend. Tomorrow we will finish the story as a class. We finished literacy by completing 3 centers. Our morning ended with social studies. We read a couple pages in our book and filled out the vocabulary card for the word ancestor. After lunch we headed straight into math. We reviewed the types of graphs we learned about and completed some math workbook pages together. We ran out of time because we needed to go to art. Our chapter math test will be on Thursday and will include reading different types of graphs and answering questions based on the data. I am very confident in the students! After art we finished discussing the story and partnered up to complete a science vocabulary sheet. We regrouped and corrected it. We ended the day reading a story.
The homework for tonight is math 11-6, read Watermelon Day, and study for the science test on Thursday.
The homework for tonight is math 11-6, read Watermelon Day, and study for the science test on Thursday.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Monday--Miss Calderone's room
Our day started right away with Music and P.E. We then came back and corrected our DLP but then went to the gym to watch the dress rehearsal for the 3rd grade musical! The students did such a nice job singing! I hope to see many of you tonight. We came back, listened to a story about an ugly vegetable and then learned the chunks for the new spelling list. We took our spelling pretest, corrected the words, and finished the morning with 1 center. After lunch we read Harry Potter for a bit and then started math. We learned about line plots and created one in our math spiral. We completed some workbook pages together and then independently worked on 1/2 of our homework. We corrected that and then reviewed telling time before switching back. After math we had science and we started it by corrected a science sheet we worked on last week. We then came together and read the rest of the chapter. We learned about pollution and how to help keep our Earth clean. The students ended the day playing a math game in Media Center.
The homework for tonight is to sign the reading test, read Watermelon Days (we will start Secret Life of Trees when we come back from break), complete science 118/119--study for test, and finish math 11-5.
The homework for tonight is to sign the reading test, read Watermelon Days (we will start Secret Life of Trees when we come back from break), complete science 118/119--study for test, and finish math 11-5.
Monday in Mrs. Bognetti's Room
Wow, did this day fly by! This morning we had gym and music class. Then, we wrote in our journals, ate snack, and headed back to the gym to watch the 3rd grade musical. What a treat! After, we learned about words with kn-, gn-, and wr-. Since each of these has a silent letter, we will need to study extra hard for the test on Friday! We completed a workbook page and introduced the spelling words, the toughest one being "unknown". The students have a workbook page to complete for homework. After spelling, we completed two sentences of DLP, talked about explanations (using "because" and "reason"), and then reviewed abbreviations of the days of the week and months of the year. We began one center today. This afternoon, we learned about line plots in math. The students have one page of homework. After computer lab, we read about different places people can live in Social Studies.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Friday--Miss Calderone's class
Today our day started out finishing our DLP and reading From Seed to Plant. We jumped right into centers and finished our last 3. We then reviewed some of the spelling words by writing them on white boards and grouping them under their appropriate "chunks". We took our spelling test and then reviewed the vocabulary by playing pictionary. We took our reading test and ended the morning reading a Time For Kids magazine. After lunch our mystery reader came and read us two awesome stories! We moved onto math and learned about a pictograph. We completed some math book pages and then made our own pictograph by voting for our favorite president. We drew symbols on sticky notes and then posted them over the president that we wanted to vote for. We had a great time. We then went to music and finished the day with celebration day. We listened to holiday music and created bags for our holiday party.
The homework for the weekend is to read Watermelon Day and complete math 11-4. Some students may need to finish a grammar sheet from the morning and/or their holiday bag.
The homework for the weekend is to read Watermelon Day and complete math 11-4. Some students may need to finish a grammar sheet from the morning and/or their holiday bag.
Friday in Mrs. Bognetti's Room
Today went by fast! This morning we reviewed words with -eer and -ear. We completed our DLP and took our spelling test. We completed a worksheet practicing proper nouns. Then, we got to three centers today! After that, we took our Reading Test. In Science today, we completed a worksheet about food webs. This afternoon Mr. Langman was our Mystery Reader. The children had a great time! In math today, we talked about Pictographs. The students have one page of homework. At the end of the day we went to gym class and decorated bags for our Holiday Party next week. If you have not yet had a conference with me, it is most likely scheduled for Monday. Make sure your child gave you your time yesterday!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Thursday in Mrs.Bognetti's Room
This morning we broke words into syllables using the VCV pattern. Depending on whether the word had a short vowel or long vowel, we broke them apart either before or after the consonant. Then, we reviewed how to read diagrams using labels and pictures. We listened to From Seed to Plant on tape. For spelling, we have one page of homework for tonight. We completed our DLP for today. Then, we completed three centers today. We also had Book Buddies with the 4th graders. After lunch, we used tally charts to make bar graphs in math. The students have one page of homework. In Science, we re-read our lesson about salt water habitats and watched a video-clip on food webs. We completed our work in class. At the end of the day, we went to music. I am sending home conference slips for several of you to come in on Monday after school. Please look for your time!
Thursday--Miss Calderone's class
Our day started out completing our DLP and writing in our December journal. One of the paragraphs were written on the board and we pointed out the main idea, detail, and feeling sentences. We then visited the holiday store for a bit. When we came back, we completed 3 centers. After centers we began working on our final drafts. Some students finished, but those that did not have it for homework. We finished the morning writing definitions for the vocabulary words and completing a grammar sheet. After lunch we came back and read Harry Potter for a bit. We then had math. We reviewed the new math words we learned about graphs and then focused on bar graphs. We made a favorite animal graph together and then completed some math workbook pages. The students did an awesome job. After math we had science for a little. We read about saltwater habitats and discussed a food web. We had a little time to finish a worksheet. Our day ended with P.E.
The homework for tonight is to read/study From Seed to Plant, complete your spelling packet/study for spelling, finish your final draft, and complete math 11-3.
The homework for tonight is to read/study From Seed to Plant, complete your spelling packet/study for spelling, finish your final draft, and complete math 11-3.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Wednesday--Miss Calderone's class
Our day started writing in our journal and correcting our DLP. We wrote sentences using the word wall words and then shared the sentences for each word. We then listened to a story and completed a grammar sheet with a partner. Some students did not finish so they have the sheet for homework. We then completed 2 centers and before we knew it, our J.A. teachers were here! After J.A. we ended our morning finishing our third center. When we came back from recess we listened to a winter story and read Harry Potter for a bit. We then moved onto math where we reviewed patterns and learned about charts, tallies, and surveys. We completed some surveys ourselves and then together completed some workbook pages. The students caught on very quickly. After math we went to library and when we came back, our book buddies joined us to read!
The homework for tonight is to read From Seed to Plant, complete math 11-2, and finish the grammar page if it is not done yet. We will be visiting the holiday store tomorrow morning so please make sure to bring money if you plan on buying anything :)
The homework for tonight is to read From Seed to Plant, complete math 11-2, and finish the grammar page if it is not done yet. We will be visiting the holiday store tomorrow morning so please make sure to bring money if you plan on buying anything :)
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Tuesday--Miss Calderone's class
Our day began writing in our December journal and correcting our DLP. After sharing our journals, we went back to our desks and learned the new vocabulary for the story. We read half of the story together because it is a TOUGH story. Please remember that they are able to use their books on their test and are not expected to remember the flower diagram. We then completed 2 centers. We began making our snowflake ornament, but took some time to do social studies while it dried. We reviewed the landforms and read a couple pages in our book. We then independently completed a worksheet. Our morning ended writing some of our rough draft for our "How to Make a Snowflake Ornament". When we came back from recess, we finished our ornaments and continued to work on our rough drafts. I had the list of steps up and it was the students' responsibility to use that for their rough draft. Those that did not stay on task will need to complete the rough draft from memory. The students that finished early began working on a science sheet. We then went to art and when we came back, we had math. We began chapter 11 which is all about graphs. We started the first lesson learning about bar graphs. We completed a bar graph together and then worked to finish some workbook pages.
The homework for tonight is math 11-1, sign and return math test, science pg. 101/102, and finish your rough draft. Many students finished their science AND rough draft so will only have a bit of homework. The back of the math page is a challenge sheet. Your child may try this, but I'm looking to see that the 'practice' side is complete.
The homework for tonight is math 11-1, sign and return math test, science pg. 101/102, and finish your rough draft. Many students finished their science AND rough draft so will only have a bit of homework. The back of the math page is a challenge sheet. Your child may try this, but I'm looking to see that the 'practice' side is complete.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Monday--Miss Calderone's class
Our day started with music followed by P.E. As soon as we got back, we corrected our DLP and wrote in our December journal about what we did over the weekend. After sharing our journals, we learned the three new chunks for this week: spr-, str-, and thr-. We read a poem and found all of the chunks together and then took our spelling pretest. We corrected the words as a class and then completed 2 centers. After lunch we came back and went straight into math M.A.P.'s testing! The students did a great job so we had indoor recess for about 10 minutes after returning. Our day ended with math. We reviewed chapter 10 and then took our test.
The homework for tonight is to read From Seed to Plant. This is a tough story and you may do a couple pages at night if necessary. Also, please sign and return the reading test. Thank you so very much for all of the donations to our sponsored little boy; We're really going to help him out :)
The homework for tonight is to read From Seed to Plant. This is a tough story and you may do a couple pages at night if necessary. Also, please sign and return the reading test. Thank you so very much for all of the donations to our sponsored little boy; We're really going to help him out :)
Friday, December 4, 2009
Friday in Mrs. Bognetti's Room
This morning we reviewed words with -ar, -arm, and -ark. We decided that we would add the word "bountiful" to our worm of vocabulary words that is going to wrap around the school. We took our spelling test. Most students could even spell "reindeer"! We completed three centers this morning. Then, we took our math test. In Science today, we finished our duck experiment and took some notes. The students have two worksheets for homework over the weekend. This afternoon, our Mystery Reader read Polar Express. The children really enjoyed hearing the story. In math today, we used a calendar to solve story problems. Miss Calderone's math class has one page of math homework, mine does not. After gym today, we had Celebration Day. In honor of St. Nicholas Day (a German tradition) and because we read Johnny Appleseed this week, we all enjoyed eating apples! We also painted with our watercolors. Have a great weekend!
Friday--Miss Calderone's class
Our day started with finishing our DLP and writing in our December journals about whatever was on our minds. After correcting and sharing, we read a story about a gingerbread boy. We then finished our last 3 centers for the week. Next, we acted out Johnny Appleseed one more time; we had a really fun time doing that! We then had our spelling test and reviewed our vocabulary words by playing pictionary. Our morning finished by taking our reading test. After lunch our mystery reader came in and read us a story that a 12 year old in her family published. It was a great story! We had math next and reviewed time order words. We jumped into reading a calendar and practiced by reading a January 2009 calendar. We filled in important dates and answered some questions. We completed a math book page together, and one independently. After correcting it together, it was time to go. We went to music after math, and finished our day with celebration day. The students had a much better day today.
For homework, all students have grammar page 111, and some students have math 10-5. Everybody is to read From Seed to Plant over the weekend considering that it is a tough story! Stay Warm!
For homework, all students have grammar page 111, and some students have math 10-5. Everybody is to read From Seed to Plant over the weekend considering that it is a tough story! Stay Warm!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Thursday--Miss Calderone's class
Our day started meeting our new classmate! I hope everybody takes the time to make him feel very welcome. We then began writing in our December journals and correcting our DLP. After that we came to the floor to share our journals and work on some phonics. We reviewed how days of the week are proper nouns and then completed a grammar sheet with a partner. We corrected it together and then completed 3 centers. We regrouped and then read Johnny Appleseed like we were in a play! We did an excellent job! Our morning ended doing a chart about how apples grow and where they grow. We also wrote the vocabulary words in our literacy journal and followed by finding the definitions in our glossary. After lunch we had to put our heads down and reflect on the morning for 5 minutes. We have been having a VERY chatty week and we needed to sit quietly and think about how to change our behavior. We read Harry Potter for a bit and then began math. In math we looked at time order words. We put them in order from shortest to longest and then discussed different activities for each word. We completed some math book pages as a class. We then had science where we reviewed a pond habitat. We moved on to a stream habitat and completed a science worksheet together. Our day ended with P.E.
The homework for tonight is to read and study Johnny Appleseed, complete your spelling packet/study, and math 10-4.
***Please remember to bring to school any donations for the 8 year old boy from Addison. All donations must be wrapped with a note telling what is inside. Thank you!!!!!
The homework for tonight is to read and study Johnny Appleseed, complete your spelling packet/study, and math 10-4.
***Please remember to bring to school any donations for the 8 year old boy from Addison. All donations must be wrapped with a note telling what is inside. Thank you!!!!!
Thursday in Mrs.Bognetti's Room
This morning we reviewed words with ear and eer. We highlighted words with this pattern in a poem to put in our book boxes. We completed a workbook page. The students started their spelling assignment, but need to finish for homework. We completed two sentences of DLP today. We also completed two centers. Our fourth grade book buddies were excited to read with us today. This afternoon in math we talked about time relationships (minute=60 seconds, hour=60 minutes, day=24 hours, week=7 days, month=4 weeks, year=12 months). We put cards in order from the shortest time to the longest time. The students have one page of homework. It seems easy, but don't let your student rush through it and make a silly mistake! In Science, we started an experiment to see how ducks stayed dry. We made some good predictions about what will happen, but since it takes a long time to color ducks COMPLETELY, most students will have to test their duck tomorrow. At the end of the day, the students went to Music class. If you haven't let me know what your conference preference is, please send that sheet back to school as soon as you can so that I can meet with each of you in the upcoming week! Thanks!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Wednesday--Miss Calderone's class
Our day started with writing in our journal and completing our DLP. We used the word wall words to make sentences and then shared our sentences as a class. We then came on the floor to talk about the days of the week and how they are proper nouns. We completed a grammar sheet independently and then began working on our rough drafts. We worked to edit our drafts and then started our final drafts. Most students need to finish for homework. We had time to complete one center, and then our J.A. teachers came in to teach us a little more about our community. Our morning ended completing one more center. After lunch we read Harry Potter for a bit and then had math. We reviewed elapsed time and then began learning how to read the calendar. As a class we answered questions based on the December calendar and then completed some workbook pages together. You can help at home by asking questions like, how many Thursdays are in December?, or what is the date one week after December 14th? After math we went to the book fair and ended the day with our book buddies.
The homework for tonight is to read Johnny Appleseed, complete math 10-3, and finish your final draft.
The homework for tonight is to read Johnny Appleseed, complete math 10-3, and finish your final draft.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Tuesday--Miss Calderone's class
Today our day started correcting our DLP and writing in our new December journals. After sharing, we worked on phonics for a bit. We then went back to our desks to discuss the new vocabulary words for the story Johnny Appleseed. We talked about what a play is and how it's different from the stories we've read so far. We then took a break and completed 3 centers. When we regrouped, we read and discussed Johnny Appleseed. Our morning ended with social studies. We worked in partners to complete a review for landforms and a map reading sheet. We came back together and corrected them both. After lunch we had math. We started with a pretest for chapter 10 and then began learning about elapsed time. We were cut short because we had to leave for art. When we came back, we continued the lesson by completing some workbook pages. In science we started our water habitats chapter! We began by learning about a pond and then a duck's feathers and why they are special. We colored a duck with yellow crayon and then I poured just a bit of water on it so the students could see how water reacts when it touches a "duck's feathers". We also completed a science sheet together while reading about a pond. We ended our day with about 5 minutes to work on our informational paragraph.
The homework for tonight is math 10-2, read Johnny Appleseed, and finish your rough draft.
The homework for tonight is math 10-2, read Johnny Appleseed, and finish your rough draft.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Welcome Back to Miss Calderone's class!
Our day flew by! We started right away with music and P.E. When we came back we finished our D.L.P and our journals. We corrected the sentences and shared our journals. We then listened to the story "Tops and Bottoms". We had a great discussion. After that we learned the new chunks for this week: -eer and -ear (both make "ear" sound). We listed some words with the chunks on the board and then found them in a poem together. We took our spelling pretest and went over the answers. We then finished the morning talking about an informational paragraph. We began brainstorming some ideas and will begin our rough drafts tomorrow. After lunch we went straight into our MAPs tests. We worked very hard for an hour so when we came back we went outside to get our wiggles out! When we came back we had math. We learned the difference between A.M. and P.M. We completed some math book pages together and then it was time to go home!
The homework for today is to complete math 10-1, draw a picture of something you do in the A.M. and P.M., and read Johnny Appleseed. Some students may need to finish their brainstorming as well.
The homework for today is to complete math 10-1, draw a picture of something you do in the A.M. and P.M., and read Johnny Appleseed. Some students may need to finish their brainstorming as well.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Friday--Miss Calderone's class
When we walked into the classroom we began writing in our November journals about whatever we wanted. After sharing I read an article that a student brought in about water being on the moon! It was a very interesting read. We then went back to our desks to read a small packet about the Mayflower. Mrs. Bognetti's class came in and we watched a Peanuts movie about the Mayflower. It was funny, but explained a lot of facts. We then went outside for celebration day. When we came back we read a Time For Kids article and then finished the day moving desks!
The homework for the long break is to finish the Thanksgiving packet and read Johnny Appleseed. Also please make sure your child is reading 20 minutes or more every day! Have a terrific Thanksgiving!
The homework for the long break is to finish the Thanksgiving packet and read Johnny Appleseed. Also please make sure your child is reading 20 minutes or more every day! Have a terrific Thanksgiving!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Thursday in Mrs.Bognetti's Room
Sorry for the long gap here on the Blogspot...things are slowly going back to "normal" here in Mrs. Bognetti's room! This morning we took a Pretest in Literacy. I explained to the children that "pre" means "before" and that I am giving them this "test" to see what they already know before I actually teach information to them. Then, I will compare the results to the Posttest at the end of the unit to measure their growth. They worked hard! Because they were exhausted, we took some time to watch It's Thanksgiving, Charlie Brown! After that, we worked on our Landform Models. Hopefully they will be finished tomorrow so that you can see them on Monday when you come for conferences! We also had Book Buddies today. After lunch, we read Harry Potter and then switched classes for math. Miss Calderone's class made turkeys and put coins on the feathers adding up to an amount on the belly. My class played Time Bingo and then watched a few short BrainPop videos on telling time. It was fun. In Science, we reviewed for our Test that we will take on Habitats tomorrow. We re-read all 5 lessons and reviewed the vocabulary. You should do the same with your child tonight. Thanks for your help!
Thursday--Miss Calderone's class
Our day started by writing in our journals. We wrote about whether we thought a pilgrim's life was hard or easy and then supported our answers. After sharing we did a turkey art project that your student will be bringing home today! We then reviewed landforms and watched a short movie about different types of landforms. It was a very interesting movie! We then took our theme 3 pretest. Our day ended watching a Charlie Brown movie about Thanksgiving. After lunch we read a Thanksgiving story and then started math. In my math class we reviewed coins and picked an amount. We then cut out coins and glued them onto turkey feathers! They look awesome. After math we had science. We took our chapter 3 test; everybody did a great job. Our day ended with P.E.
The homework for tonight is to read and practice telling time. Also please sign and return the math and science test AND please read your child's report card! After you have read and talked about it with your child, please sign the report card envelope and return it to school.
***Please remember that we have a half day tomorrow. Students get out at 12:00. I will see some of you at conferences tomorrow afternoon!
The homework for tonight is to read and practice telling time. Also please sign and return the math and science test AND please read your child's report card! After you have read and talked about it with your child, please sign the report card envelope and return it to school.
***Please remember that we have a half day tomorrow. Students get out at 12:00. I will see some of you at conferences tomorrow afternoon!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Wednesday--Miss Calderone's class
Today we walked in, got settled, and immediately began writing in our November journal. We shared our favorite Thanksgiving memories and then began writing instructions on how to cook a turkey! Your child may be able to help you with Thanksgiving dinner! Mr. Langman came and visited us to explain about the new wild cat cash system. We are really excited about it! We then went into Mrs. Bognetti's room to watch a movie about the first pilgrims. When we came back we finished our 'How to cook a Turkey' and then our J.A. teachers came and taught us about working alone and in groups. We pretended to be workers in a donut store and worked to finish preparing the most donuts. They bought us donuts and we got to eat them toward the end of the lesson! Our day ended coloring a Mayflower illustration. After lunch we worked on our Mayflower sheet a bit more before math. In math, we reviewed telling time and then took our Chapter 9 test. We went to library after that and then came back and spent the rest of the day with our book buddies.
The homework for tonight is to study for the science test tomorrow!!!
***I hope to see many of you tonight at our Fall Family Night!
The homework for tonight is to study for the science test tomorrow!!!
***I hope to see many of you tonight at our Fall Family Night!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Tuesday--Miss Calderone's class
Today we got into our seats and began writing in our November journal about what we thought the meaning of Thanksgiving is. It turned out that most of the students did not know so we watched a short video about it and discussed the holiday. After that, we used our winter brainstorming sheet to write a poem rough draft. As students finished, I went around to help edit and then the students typed their own poems AND added a clip art! The entire morning was dedicated to typing our poems, working on an illustration, and completing an "I am thankful for..." packet. We got a lot done! After lunch we jumped right into math. We reviewed telling time and then cut digital/analog clock to match correct times. Our time was cut short because we had to go to art. After art we had science. We worked a bit more on our habitat drawings and finally finished them for good this time! I showed the class each habitat and we discussed them to prepare for the test. Our day ended reading a bit of Harry Potter.
The homework for tonight is a math sheet (if you didn't finish it in class) and study for the science test on Thursday!
The homework for tonight is a math sheet (if you didn't finish it in class) and study for the science test on Thursday!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Monday--Miss Calderone's class
Today we started our day right away with music and P.E. When we came back we wrote in our November journal about what we did over the weekend. This week we will not be reading a story or having a spelling list so there is no D.L.P. Instead, we'll be focusing on writing and doing some Thanksgiving activities. After sharing our journals we began brainstorming for our fall feeling poem. We thought about fall and listed what we smell, see, feel, hear, and taste in fall. Together, we wrote a poem. This was to model their winter poem that they will be writing. We worked for a bit of time brainstorming for our winter poems. We then finished our morning completing our Theme Test. After lunch we got our Thanksgiving themed center packet and our new guided reading books. We did not have any centers today, so we will begin them tomorrow. We then had math. We warmed up by reading some times on the clock. We then completed a sheet independently and with a partner. We correct those both together. We also took a quick assessment. I put a time on the large clock and the students wrote the time. This was to tell me if there's anything we need to work on. We also had a fire drill in the middle of math and the students did an excellent job lining up quietly and following directions. In science we finished our habitat drawings! The look awesome! Our day ended with media center. We learned how to capitalize letters on the computer and even got to type paragraphs! This will help us when we type our winter poems!
The homework for tonight is to get your reading test signed, finish your winter brainstorming, and study for the science test (a note will go out tomorrow). Also, if you are in my math class, you have a sheet of homework.
The homework for tonight is to get your reading test signed, finish your winter brainstorming, and study for the science test (a note will go out tomorrow). Also, if you are in my math class, you have a sheet of homework.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Friday--Miss Calderone's class
We started our day today with correcting our DLP and writing in our journals. After sharing we did some phonics and then jumped right into centers. We completed 3 centers and then regrouped to take our spelling test. We played pictionary to review for the reading test and then finished literacy by taking the Lemonade for Sale test. Our morning ended with social studies. We learned about a river and a lake and finished the last two landforms in our packet. After lunch our mystery reader came in and read us two really great stories! The class did an excellent job of listening. We had math after that and we reviewed telling time. The time word "quarter" was introduced today and their homework will reflect our discussion. It's important for you to know that I am most concerned with them knowing how to read the clock; this is what we are focusing on. If they are having a rough time with the homework, allow them to skip questions they do not understand. I am, however, asking that each student writes the correct time next to each clock. We completed some math book pages together and finished math playing a telling time game on the internet. We then headed to music and finished our day with celebration day! We finished our art center while eating little donuts and drinking lemonade!
The homework for the weekend is to finish the landform packet and complete math 9-4.
The homework for the weekend is to finish the landform packet and complete math 9-4.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Wednesday--Miss Calderone's class
Today we started as usual with our DLP and journal. After sharing our journals we continued to work on our rough drafts. We used our quick words to find the spelling of words that we knew we spelled incorrectly. We then had to start centers. We completed 3 centers and talked briefly about the importance of Veterans Day. Today was our first day of Junior Achievement so two teachers came in and taught us about our community! We finished our morning watching a movie about Veterans Day. After lunch we read Harry Potter for a bit and then began math. We reviewed what we learned about telling time and then moved on to learn about telling time to the 5's. We practiced skip counting and putting the hands on the correct numbers using mini clocks that we each got to use. We completed some workbook pages in our math book and then switched back to normal classes. We then went to library, came back, and finished the day with our book buddies. I have an all-day meeting tomorrow so there will be no "scoop" tomorrow.
The homework for tonight is to read Lemonade for Sale, complete math 9-2, and get your math test signed. Please continue practicing counting money to get a firm grasp on the concept. :)
The homework for tonight is to read Lemonade for Sale, complete math 9-2, and get your math test signed. Please continue practicing counting money to get a firm grasp on the concept. :)
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Tuesday in Mrs. Bognetti's Class
We were busy today! This morning we wrote some words with -ar, -arm, and -ark in our Quick Words. We also completed a workbook page, practice making our spelling words, and started a worksheet in class. The students need to finish their spelling worksheet for homework. Then, we discussed our vocabulary words for this week and watched a Power Point presentation. After, we talked about comparing and contrasting things in stories. Comparing tells how things are alike, contrasting tells how they are different. Then, we read Lemonade for Sale. As we read, we drew pictures of different things that were happening in the story, including making a graph. Afterwards, we completed our DLP and learned how to write an invitation. The students have to finish a workbook page on proper nouns for homework. We completed one center today. In Social Studies, we started talking about a Landform project that we are going to do in groups. Hopefully they'll be done in time for you to see them on Conference Day! In math today, we started learning about the concept of telling time. We reviewed the hour and half-hour. We used our bodies to become a "human clock". Mrs. Bognetti's Class has one page of homework. Miss Calderone's does not. Ask your child whose math class he/she is currently in. At the end of the day, we went to art class.
Tuesday--Miss Calderone's class
Our day started writing in our November journal and correcting our DLP. We shared our journals and then learned about the new vocabulary words for the story, Lemonade for Sale. We then listened to/discussed the story and made a bar graph on the board to go along with the story. The students caught on very quickly and we had a lot of fun listening to the story! We then began the process of writing a paragraph about what we're thankful for. We made a brainstorming web first, and then wrote a paragraph together. After we talked about what a good paragraph looks like, we began writing on our own. The students were also instructed to circle any words they think are misspelled so that later on we can correct them. We spent a little time writing and then moved on to centers. We completed 3 centers and ended the morning with just a bit of social studies. We learned what an ocean is and drew a picture. After lunch we headed straight for math! We switched classrooms today and began learning about time. We identified the hour and minute hand and learned how to tell time to the hour. We began learning about telling time to the half hour, but had to go to art. We did not finish the lesson so there is no math homework for those that are in my class for math. After math we went to art, came back, and had science. We continued working on our habitat drawings.
The homework for tonight is to read Lemonade for Sale, finish rough draft, and some have math 9-1 for homework.
The homework for tonight is to read Lemonade for Sale, finish rough draft, and some have math 9-1 for homework.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Monday--Miss Calderone's class
Today our day started with music followed by P.E. As soon as we got back we finished the first two sentences in our DLP and wrote in our journal. After sharing our journals we worked on some phonics. We then learned the new chunk for this week; -ar. We read a poem together and identified all of the words that have the chunk in them. We had our spelling pretest, corrected the words together, and then learned the new centers for this week. The time went by so quickly that we only had time for one center! After lunch we read Harry Potter for a bit and then had math. We reviewed for the test and then had our chapter 8 test. The students in Mrs. Bognetti's room also did a math turkey activity (some may have to finish it for homework). When we came back we reviewed the habitats we learned about and then broke into groups to illustrate the habitats and reinforce the ideas. We only had a bit of time to work, but they look great already! Our day ended in media center learning about Hawaii and doing some Internet activities.
The homework for tonight is to read Lemonade for Sale, get your reading test signed, and then some have the turkey math sheet.
The homework for tonight is to read Lemonade for Sale, get your reading test signed, and then some have the turkey math sheet.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Friday--Miss Calderone's class
Our day began completing the rest of our DLP and writing in our November journal. We used the vocabulary words from Hedgehog Bakes a Cake to write a paragraph. I then projected a paragraph, we read it together, and we found the vocabulary words. We then had centers and we finished our last 3 centers. We moved on to our spelling test and then played pictionary to review the vocabulary words. Our morning ended with our reading test and a very special activity; baking a yellow cake! We got to eat it for celebration day! After lunch, our mystery reader came in and read a very funny story. We had a great time laughing and listening! After that was math. We reviewed making change for the entire time because it is a tough concept. I asked the students to write down helpful hints on the back of their homework to help them over the weekend. Our day ended with music and celebration day! We ate our cake and went outside to play for a bit.
The homework over the weekend for some is math pg. 8-5. Also, please make sure you are reading, practicing counting money, and going over math facts. Have a great weekend!
The homework over the weekend for some is math pg. 8-5. Also, please make sure you are reading, practicing counting money, and going over math facts. Have a great weekend!
Friday in Mrs. Bognetti's Room
Today was an interesting day. We started by reviewing abbreviations. We completed a workbook page. Then, we took our spelling test. Because we read Hedgehog Bakes a Cake this week, today we made a cake! Cracking the eggs was a little scary, but other than that, the cake turned out great! Even better, we got to eat it! We completed two centers and then took our reading test. In science today, we finished up rain forests. The students do have one page of homework to complete over the weekend. In math, we reviewed adding up the values of coins again. The children had to put coins in a pot and count them up. Then, we completed a problem solving worksheet together. There was no homework for my class. In Miss Calderone's math class, they practiced making change and have one page of homework. At the end of the day, the students went to gym class. Have a great weekend!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Thursday--Miss Calderone's class
Today we started our day completing a couple sentences in our DLP and writing in our journal. We used the word wall words for this week to write a paragraph. After sharing, we reviewed vowels and consonants. We identified the VCCV patterns in words and worked to split them into syllables. We completed a sheet with a partner and corrected it together. We then began our centers. We completed two, but took a break to work on proper nouns. While we ate snack we completed a grammar sheet about proper nouns. After correcting it together, we finished our last center. We ended the morning learning about synonyms. After lunch we read Harry Potter for a bit and then had math. We reviewed the coins that we learned and today started learning about making change!!!! This is a tough concept so we spent the entire time using play money to make change. Together we completed some math workbook pages. Science was next. We corrected our science homework from the other day and then reviewed the habitats we've learned so far. I gave the class clues and they had to identify "what habitat I am in". It was a lot of fun. Our day ended with P.E.
The homework for tonight is to read Hedgehog Bakes a Cake and study for the test, finish your spelling packet and study, and also complete the math sheet that was given to you for homework depending on what math class you're in. Please remember to return the orange slips stating whether your family will attend the Fall Family Night on November 18th.
The homework for tonight is to read Hedgehog Bakes a Cake and study for the test, finish your spelling packet and study, and also complete the math sheet that was given to you for homework depending on what math class you're in. Please remember to return the orange slips stating whether your family will attend the Fall Family Night on November 18th.
Thursday in Mrs.Bognetti's Room
Today we reviewed words with the -our pattern. Together, we highlighted words that had the -our pattern in a decodable book. We put them in our book boxes to re-read during centers time. Then, we started our spelling homework in class, but need to finish tonight. The children were excited to have a word search. Then, we talked about synonyms (words that have almost the same meanings). I showed the class how to write an acrostic poem using a Thanksgiving topic. One of the centers this week is to write an acrostic poems using one of their vocabulary words. We did a worksheet on proper nouns that I collected in class. We completed the DLP and one center and then we read with our Book Buddies. This afternoon, in my math class, we practiced using money to buy goods from a store. One child got to "buy" something, the other was the cashier. Please continue to practice using coins with your child. Let them buy something small at the store and come up with the money to purchase the item. We also played Money Bingo. The students have one page of math homework. In Miss Calderone's math class, they began to make change, using the strategy counting up. They, too, have one page of homework. In Social Studies, we worked on our Landform Booklets. All students had the definitions written in class, but they need to finish drawing pictures of each landform for homework tonight. They should have added details to their pictures! At the end of the day, they went to music.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Wednesday--Miss Calderone's class
Today our day started with correcting our DLP and writing in our November journals. After sharing, we learned about quotation marks. We learned that they are used around something somebody says, or around the title of a story, song, or poem. We did some examples together and then independently completed a worksheet. We corrected it together and then reviewed proper nouns. With a partner we worked to finish a worksheet and corrected it together. We then did 3 centers. Our morning finished with social studies. We went over the landforms that we know and learned about a peninsula and island. We worked a little more in our landform packets. After lunch we read Harry Potter for a bit and then had math. After our spiral review, we counted combinations of dollar and coins and then learned how to compare amounts. With a partner we did a challenge sheet and then corrected it together. Everybody did a great job! We then finished some math book pages together that taught us a little more about comparing money. After math we had library and we ended our day with our book buddies.
The homework for tonight is to read "Hedgehog Bakes a Cake" and complete math 8-3. Also, make sure to turn in your Parent/Teacher conference and Fall Family Night forms.
The homework for tonight is to read "Hedgehog Bakes a Cake" and complete math 8-3. Also, make sure to turn in your Parent/Teacher conference and Fall Family Night forms.
Wednesday in Mrs. Bognetti's Class
This morning we reviewed words with -our. I dictated a couple of sentences orally that the students need to write. Then, I showed them the correct way to write them and they corrected their work. The students worked on their spelling homework in class, but need to finish tonight. We reviewed the vocabulary words for this week. The students need to complete a scavenger hunt worksheet for homework. We made a web to describe cake batter. After, we re-read Hedgehog Bakes a Cake in small groups. We finished our DLP and completed a worksheet on proper nouns in class. We completed three centers today. In Science, we reviewed the woodland forest by taking notes on the bulletin board. We drew pictures of animals and glued them into the woodland forest pictures we drew the other day. Then, we completed a worksheet together. After that, we took notes on the rain forest. The students need to put some creatures in the rain forest for homework. This afternoon in math, we compared money amounts. We needed to find whether or not we had enough money to buy certain items. We used words like "greater than" and "less than". The students have one page of homework. At the end of the day, we went to the library.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Tuesday--Miss Calderone's class
Today we began our day completing a couple sentences in our DLP and writing in our November journal. After sharing, we reviewed nouns and learned about a proper noun. We finished an activity that where we had to separate nouns and not nouns into the correct categories. We then learned the vocabulary for the new story and listened to/discussed Hedgehog Bakes a Cake! To reinforce the vocabulary we independently finished a workbook page and corrected it together. We completed 3 centers and then our morning ended with social studies. We read about another landform, a valley, and began drawing a picture of it. After lunch we switched for math right away. We reviewed by counting money that included dollar bills. On our own we completed some math workbook pages and corrected them together. We had to stop math early because it was time to go to art! After art we came back and described the three habitats we've learned about so far. We then were introduced to the Arctic and watched a video about it.
The homework for tonight is to read Hedgehog Bakes a Cake, math 8-2, and science 89/90. Remember to keep logging in those books!!! The first trimester is almost over!
The homework for tonight is to read Hedgehog Bakes a Cake, math 8-2, and science 89/90. Remember to keep logging in those books!!! The first trimester is almost over!
Tuesday in Mrs. Bognetti's Class
This morning we reviewed words with -our. We highlighted words in a poem, completed a workbook page, and then started our spelling homework. The students need to finish it tonight. We made a web together about cooking (things we need, where we can cook, and things to remember when we cook). Then, we introduced the vocabulary words for this week's story. We practiced our words with a Power Point presentation. The students need to draw pictures to go with each vocabulary word for homework. We talked about synonyms (words that mean almost the same thing). We want to use exciting words when we write. We then talked about inferencing. While we read the story Hedgehog Bakes a Cake, we practiced inferencing and making predictions. The children had a good time reading the story. After, we completed our DLP. Then, we talked about proper nouns and people's names. We remember that we must use capital letters. The students have a workbook page to complete for homework. We completed one center today. Then, Ms. Zagone, our student teacher, taught the students about the rain forest. She did an explore activity on leaf bats with the students, showing them that a leaf can act as a shelter to keep the bats dry. They read the lesson and began drawing a picture of a rain forest. They need to finish drawing and glue in four given animals for homework. They have a lesson outline as well. This afternoon in math, we practiced adding on to a dollar. We talked about the dollar sign and decimal point. Most everyone completed their homework in class. Some students have a few corrections to make on their papers for tonight. At the end of the day, the students went to art class.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Monday--Miss Calderone's class
I hope you didn’t eat too much candy this weekend! Our day started with completing part of our DLP and writing in our new November journal. We had to quickly go to Music followed by P.E. When we got back, we corrected our DLP and shared our journals. We then listened to The Little Red Hen and discussed the importance of the lesson from the story. After that we learned our new chunk for this week; -our (makes the or sound). We took our spelling pretest and corrected it together. We finished our morning discussing the new centers, getting our new reading books for the week, and completing one center. Monday mornings go so fast! When we got back from lunch we finished a workbook page and corrected it together. We switched for math and reviewed the coins we’ve learned so far. We also learned about a new coin; the dollar coin! We practiced counting using all the coins we learned and then completed a workbook page together. We got together with partners to complete a challenge page, and then corrected that together as well. We finished math completing one more workbook page. In science we reviewed the woodland forest and rainforest habitats and together, completed a bar graph about amount of rain over a three month period. We finished science learning about a desert habitat. We had a couple minutes to begin working on our homework so your child may have a few answers filled out. Our day ended with media center. We used Kidspiration to complete an outline of our home, neighborhood, city, and state.
The homework for tonight is to read Hedgehog Bakes a Cake, complete math 8-1 and science 81/82, and get your reading test signed.
The homework for tonight is to read Hedgehog Bakes a Cake, complete math 8-1 and science 81/82, and get your reading test signed.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Happy Halloween!!! (Mrs. Bognetti's Class)
This morning we wrote steps on how to teach a witch to ride a broomstick and how to catch a bat in the attic. The children wrote very creatively! Then, we reviewed words with -ear and completed a workbook page. The children were given a Halloween packet to work on when they were finished with their work today. Then, we finished our paragraphs from yesterday. I collected them. We completed our DLP and a worksheet on plural nouns. We also completed three centers. Before lunch, I collected the think tac toe activities. This afternoon, we had a Mystery Reader, walked in the parade, watched an assembly, and had our Halloween party! What a fun day! Please be safe when trick-or-treating and enjoy the weekend!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Thursday--Miss Calderone's class
Today we started as usual with our DLP and journal. After correcting our DLP we shared our journals. We listed ways to behave, and ways not to behave, at our Halloween party. We reviewed our vocabulary words and completed a 4 square vocabulary sheet. Some need to finish it at home. We then reviewed singular and plural nouns that change. We listed the singular nouns we remembered from yesterday and changed them to plural. We then completed a grammar sheet with a partner and corrected it together. After that we began writing a story using our monsters! We thought of a setting, problem, and solution, and then began writing. We had such a good time writing, we only got to one center! We ended our day with library. After lunch we read for a bit and then began math. We reviewed chapter 7 and took our test! Science came next and we reviewed what we know about a woodland forest. We read on in our book to learn about a new habitat; the rainforest. We completed a science sheet independently and corrected it together. Our day ended with P.E.
The homework for tonight is to read and study Mr. Putter and Tabby Fly the Plane, finish your spelling packet/study, get your math test signed, and read our monster story to a family member. Please remember that children that are not being picked up for lunch tomorrow will be responsible for changing into their costumes before lunch is over. Please remember to have everybody back by 12:45.
The homework for tonight is to read and study Mr. Putter and Tabby Fly the Plane, finish your spelling packet/study, get your math test signed, and read our monster story to a family member. Please remember that children that are not being picked up for lunch tomorrow will be responsible for changing into their costumes before lunch is over. Please remember to have everybody back by 12:45.
Thursday in Mrs.Bognetti's Room
Today we talked about abbreviations again. We have learned how to abbreviate months of the year, days of the week, people's names, names of streets, and measurements. We completed an activity together in class. Then, we talked about ABC order and how it correlates to dictionaries/glossaries. We practiced predicting outcomes and completed our DLP. Then, we took some time to take the details we wrote yesterday and make them into a paragraph. After we did a sample together, the students were allowed to use the word wall and their Quick Words for help with spelling. Then, we completed three centers and read with our Book Buddies. This afternoon we took our math tests. The students need to get your signature for homework tonight! Then, in science, we watched a movie on the woodland forest. The students need to read the pages in their books and complete the lesson outline for homework as well. Tomorrow morning we will take the reading and spelling tests as usual. Halloween festivities will begin in the afternoon.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Wednesday--Miss Calderone's class
Our day started correcting our DLP and writing our October journal about what we might see and hear in a Woodland Forest. After sharing, we reviewed plural nouns, but learned that some nouns change when they become plural. We completed a worksheet with a partner and corrected it together. We then finished our monsters! They look awesome! Our day ended completing 3 centers. After lunch we had a little bit of social studies and learned about our first landform; a mountain! We then had math. We reviewed counting coins and worked to answer some multi-step math word problems. We completed some workbook pages together. Officer Peterson dropped in and talked to us for a bit, and we ended the day with a little more social studies. We learned our second landform; a plain!
The homework for tonight is to read Mr. Putter and Tabby Fly a Plane, and complete math 7-5 OR 7-6 depending on what math class you are in.
The homework for tonight is to read Mr. Putter and Tabby Fly a Plane, and complete math 7-5 OR 7-6 depending on what math class you are in.
Wednesday in Mrs. Bognetti's Class
This morning we reviewed our abbreviations from yesterday and began a worksheet in class. The students need to finish it for homework. Then, we drew pictures showing our vocabulary words and played vocabulary tic-tac-toe with a partner. The students have a "Scavenger Hunt" to complete for homework, using the story Mr. Putter and Tabby Fly the Plane. Then, we re-read the story in groups. After, we completed the DLP for today. Then, we made a list of topics we wanted to write about. We began a graphic organizer using our senses to tell about the topic we chose. Tomorrow we will write those details into paragraphs. We also reviewed plural nouns. We completed three centers today. Then, in science, we completed a couple of worksheets together in class. For homework, the students need to draw a picture of a woodland forest. They have a list of seven items that must be in their pictures. They should have background details! This afternoon, in math, we started adding sets of coins together. The students have one page of homework to complete. We will have a math test tomorrow. Officer Peterson visited the second grade today and talked about strangers, how to stay safe around guns, and to stay away from drugs. The students had many questions for her and may still have more to ask you! Basically, the students need to know that police officers are there to keep people safe. At the end of the day, we visited the library.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Tuesday in Mrs. Bognetti's Class
This morning we were very busy! First, we reviewed abbreviations. We made a list for ourselves to study. We completed a workbook page and I collected the students' spelling worksheets in class. Then, we introduced the vocabulary words for the story this week. Then, we talked about our focus skill for the week: predicting outcomes. While we read Mr. Putter and Tabby Fly the Plane, we stopped to predict what would happen next. We also discussed what happened at the beginning of the story, middle, and end. We love how Tabby's mood changes throughout the story! Then, we completed our DLP. We discussed adding our senses into our writing. We made a sample graphic organizer together about a dog. Tomorrow, we will see how to write those details into a paragraph! At the end of literacy, we reviewed nouns that change when they are made into plurals (goose=geese). Then, we completed two centers. In Social Studies, we read about landforms. We started a Landform Booklet that will help us learn what each landform is and how it looks. After lunch, we learned about quarters and half-dollars in math. We added sets of coins together. I collected ALMOST everybody's homework (those who were pulled out for dental sealants may have homework to finish). At the end of the day, the students went to art. For homework, the students will ask you to sign two tests: Social Studies and Reading. Also, don't forget that the end of the trimester is nearing...students should be turning in their reading logs soon! Some have already gotten a punch on their passport to Hogwarts. Prizes will also be awarded at the end of the trimester. Then, I will send home a new reading log for the second trimester! READ! READ! READ! Book order forms are due on Thursday.
Tuesday--Miss Calderone's class
What a fast day! We started out today correcting our DLP and writing in our October journals. We read the word wall words for this week and wrote sentences using each word. After sharing, we reviewed abbreviations by completing a workbook page and correcting it together. We then learned the vocabulary for the new story and listened to/discussed Mr. Putter and Tabby Fly a Plane. We completed 3 centers and finished our morning working on our monsters! They're really turning out great. All groups finished coloring them, some finished cutting them out, and many began stuffing. I can't wait to see the finished product! After lunch we headed straight into math. We reviewed the coins we learned and practiced combining 2 different sets of coins to make the same value. We then identified which set of coins had the fewest amount. We worked on a challenge sheet and corrected it together. We ran out of time because before we knew it, it was time for art. When we got back from art we had social studies. We read discussed the new vocabulary and learned about cause and effect. Our day ended with science. We read some pages in our book and learned about the first habitat; woodland forest.
The homework for today is to complete math 7-5 OR 7-4 depending on what class you are in, social studies pg. 13, and read Mr. Putter and Tabby Fly a Plane. Also, the parent/teacher conference sheet with our meeting date and time is in your child's folder; please review it.
The homework for today is to complete math 7-5 OR 7-4 depending on what class you are in, social studies pg. 13, and read Mr. Putter and Tabby Fly a Plane. Also, the parent/teacher conference sheet with our meeting date and time is in your child's folder; please review it.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Monday in Mrs. Bognetti's Room
This morning flew by! After gym and music, we discussed abbreviations at great length. The children need to know abbreviations of the days of the week, months of the year, measurements, and titles of people. We introduced the spelling words (also abbreviations needing capital letters and periods). Then, we talked about more plural nouns, completed our DLP, and how to add the five senses into our writing. This afternoon in math we talked about coins as place value (dimes are tens and pennies are ones). The students have one page of homework. We went to the computer lab to work on landforms, and we read about cause/effect in Social Studies. We also introduced the new vocabulary words for this unit.
Monday--Miss Calderone's class
Our day began with music followed by P.E. We then had our second severe weather drill. The students did an excellent job. When we got back, we worked on our new DLP and wrote in our October journal about what we did over the weekend. After correcting and sharing, we took our spelling pretest. We will begin learning about abbreviations so the first ten words of the new spelling list are abbreviations. After spelling, we began working on our monsters! We'll be decorating, stuffing, and writing about monsters that we create with our partners all week long. Our morning ended with one center. After lunch we read for a bit and then had math. We reviewed the coins we already learned and were introduced to a half dollar and quarter. We completed a challenge page with a partner, corrected it together, and then completed some workbook pages in our math book which we also corrected together. After math, we started our new science lesson; habitats. We watched a short video about different habitats to introduce the unit. Our day ended with media center. We learned about landforms and made some using Kid Pix!
The homework for tonight is to complete math 7-3 OR 7-4 depending on what math class you are in. Also, please sign and return the reading and social studies test.
The homework for tonight is to complete math 7-3 OR 7-4 depending on what math class you are in. Also, please sign and return the reading and social studies test.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Friday in Mrs. Bognetti's Room
Today we reviewed words with -ack and -ock. The students came up with a really good list of words! Then, we took our spelling test, completed DLP, and did a review sheet on subjects and predicates. We did three centers today. Then, in science, we started our new chapter on habitats. The students have one page of science homework. This afternoon, we practiced skip-counting by 5s and 10s. Then, we used that knowledge to count collections of coins. The students have one page of homework. At the end of the day, the students had gym class.
Friday--Miss Calderone's class
Today we started our day as usual finishing our DLP. After correcting, we completed our last 3 centers. We then reviewed the vocabulary for our story by playing pictionary on the board. We then finished the morning taking our reading, spelling, and social studies test! We are glad that's over! After lunch our mystery reader came in and read Strega Nona to us! We listened very well. We then had math where we reviewed coins and skip counting in order to help us count coins. We used white boards to practice counting coins and then completed some math workbook pages. We finished our day with Music and Celebration Day.
The homework for tonight is to get your science test signed, complete math 7-2, and practice counting coins around the house. Have a wonderful weekend :)
The homework for tonight is to get your science test signed, complete math 7-2, and practice counting coins around the house. Have a wonderful weekend :)
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Thursday--Miss Calderone's class
What a busy day! We started our day completing part of our DLP and writing in our October journal. After sharing, we reviewed our vocabulary by correcting the vocabulary sheet that we had for homework. We then reviewed singular and plural nouns and completed a grammar sheet independently. We also corrected that together. We moved on to complete 3 centers and finished our day with library. We were unable to check out books last week and yesterday, so we had a special chance today to do it. After lunch we silent read and then had math. Today marked the beginning of our money unit. We identified a penny, nickel, and dime, and then completed a sheet to help us remember the value of each coin. We learned how to count money for objects by selecting the largest valued coin first and moving down from there. After math we had science and took our chapter 2 science test. Our day ended with P.E.
The homework for tonight is to read Helping Out and study, math 7-1, spelling packet/study, study for S.S. test, and finally, get your math test signed.
The homework for tonight is to read Helping Out and study, math 7-1, spelling packet/study, study for S.S. test, and finally, get your math test signed.
Thursday in Mrs.Bognetti's Room
We worked hard today! This morning we finished our "lost pet" posters. We shared a few of them and they were quite good! The children were very creative. Then, we reviewed longer words with -ear. We broke them into syllables. The students have one page of spelling homework. We had a lengthy discussion today on the main idea of a paragraph. We analyzed several different paragraphs and voted for the best choice. The students really started to catch on! After we completed the DLP, we did three centers today. Before lunch, we got together with our 4th grade Book Buddies and read. It was fun! In math today, we started using coins and learning their values. All of the children need to practice, practice, practice using money! Let them count the change in your purse or pocket! Let them pay when you get to the cash register! It is so important that the children actually USE the money. Be prepared to give your child some coins to practice with and use on to complete his/her homework. There is one page for today. After math, we took our science test. At the end of the day, the children went to Music class. Don't forget there is a spelling and reading test tomorrow!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Wednesday--Miss Calderone's class
Our day started out correcting some DLP sentences and writing in our journal about helping out. After sharing, we worked on some phonics and then practiced writing our spelling words with a partner. When we came back to our desks, we reviewed singular and plural nouns and then worked independently to finish a worksheet. We corrected it together and everybody did an excellent job. We then completed 3 centers. We will no longer have listening center; students were being too loud and distracting when moving from desk to center and back again. Instead, we have a creative writing center! The students were very excited to write scary stories for their first creative writing center. I am very anxious to read them! We finished the morning with Social Studies. We used our glossary to write definitions for the vocabulary words in unit 1. Remember the test is on FRIDAY. After lunch, we read a Time For Kids about bullying. We discussed the article and how to handle being bullied. We then had math where we reviewed for the test, and took our chapter 6 test. Chapter 7, money, was introduced and we will begin it tomorrow. You can help at home by reviewing coins and asking your child to identify different coins and their values. Our day ended with library and book buddies.
The homework for tonight is to read Helping Out, finish the vocabulary sheet, and study for the chapter 2 science test tomorrow!
The homework for tonight is to read Helping Out, finish the vocabulary sheet, and study for the chapter 2 science test tomorrow!
Wednesday in Mrs. Bognetti's Class
Today we worked hard! This morning we reviewed words with -ear. Then, we completed a workbook page together. The students have one page of spelling homework. Then, we reviewed our vocabulary words and re-read Helping Out in small groups. After, we completed our DLP for the day. We did a writing lesson today focused on writing details and colorful words. We looked at good samples and not-so-good samples and decided which were the best ones. We took boring sentences and made them into interesting ones. Then, we began a writing project that we will work on throughout the week. We have lost our "pets" and we need to make a poster describing our pet so that someone could find it and return it to us. After that, we completed three centers. In Science we reviewed our vocabulary words. The students learned how to look up definitions in the glossary in the back of their books. They need to complete that for homework and study for the test tomorrow! In math, we reviewed for and took a test on Chapter 6. Next, we will start learning about money. Please start practicing recognizing coins and their values with your child!!! In Social Studies, we took our test. Then, the students went to the library at the end of the day.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Tuesday--Miss Calderone's class
Today we started our day with completing part of our DLP and writing in our journals about a continent that we would like to visit. After sharing, we talked about how we help out at home, and then read a story about it. We then learned the vocabulary for this week's story, Helping Out, and then listened to it. We then completed three centers and ended our morning with social studies. We completed our vocabulary sheet and took it home to study for the test on FRIDAY! After lunch we had math right away. We reviewed even and odd numbers, and then talked about logical reasoning. We solved word problems using our background knowledge and information from the problem. We completed some work in partners and independently. After math we went to Art, and then finished the day with science. We corrected our homework together and then I questioned the class on topics in the chapter to get ready for our test on THURSDAY.
The homework for tonight is to read Helping Out (and help our family out tonight), math pg. 6-6, and write a paragraph on how to behave in the hallway (we're having some trouble following directions during drink/bathroom break).
The homework for tonight is to read Helping Out (and help our family out tonight), math pg. 6-6, and write a paragraph on how to behave in the hallway (we're having some trouble following directions during drink/bathroom break).
Tuesday in Mrs. Bognetti's Class
This morning we discussed words with -ear and highlighted them in a poem. We completed a workbook page together. Then, we cut apart letters to make our spelling words. Use the letters at home to practice! The students started their spelling homework, but need to finish tonight and bring it back tomorrow. Then, we made a web about different ways we can help out (at home, at school, etc.). We introduced the vocabulary words and used a Power Point to understand the meanings of the words. The students need to draw a picture showing what each word means for homework tonight. We then went over the purpose of finding the main idea. Then, we read the story Helping Out. The story is a photo essay and is non-fiction. After we looked at the pictures and discussed the text, we completed our DLP and a workbook page on nouns. We completed one round of centers. In Social Studies today, we read about Benjamin Banneker and how he helped design our nation's capitol. Then, we started reviewing for our Social Studies test that will take place tomorrow. A note is being sent home about the pages and words to review. The students also need to study their Illinois Booklets. In addition, I also gave the students two worksheets for homework: one sheet covers the vocabulary words, the other reviews North America. In math today, we talked about logical reasoning. We used clues to figure out the answers to story problems. The students had a chance to work on it with a partner in class and will finish for homework tonight.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Monday in Mrs. Bognetti's Room
This morning after gym and art, we talked about r-controlled words with ear (earn, learn, heard, etc.). We completed a workbook page in class and introduced our spelling words having the same pattern. We alphabetized some words to put on our word wall. We completed another workbook page, using our spelling words. Then, we did our DLP for today. We talked about colorful words (adjectives) and how they make our writing more interesting. We also introduced the concept of plural nouns (adding -s or -es). Then, we completed one center. This afternoon, we learned about odd and even numbers in math. We recognized patterns (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 are even...1, 3, 5, 7, 9 are odd). We sang a song to help us remember the patterns. We also used manipulatives to help visualize every cube either having a partner, or not. The students have one page of math homework. In the computer lab, we watched a BrainPop video on the 7 continents. Then, in class, we completed a worksheet about the 7 continents. We reviewed our neighbor to the north (Canada) and south (Mexico). The students have a worksheet on following directions to complete for homework. They will have to color the flags of Mexico and Canada.
Monday--Miss Calderone's class
Today we started our day out with Music followed by P.E. When we came back we began literacy. We corrected our DLP and shared what we wrote in our journals. We then learned our new chunk -ear which makes "er" sound. We read a poem and found words with the -ear chunk and then took our spelling pretest. After correcting the words, we reviewed nouns. We moved on a bit to learn about the words singular and plural and then thought of singular and plural nouns. We finished the morning discussing the new centers and completing one. After lunch we came back, got our folders ready, and began math. In math we reviewed ordinal numbers by writing them, and then learned about even and odd numbers. I said a number and the students used cubes to separate into groups. If the groups were the same, the number was even. If the groups were not the same, then the number was odd. We also learned that even numbers end in 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8. Odd numbers end in 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9. We finished math by completing some workbook pages together. After math we had science. We finished reading the chapter and reviewed the stages of a butterfly's life cycle. We labeled a life cycle sheet and began to work on page 47 and 48. Many did not finish so it is homework. Our day ended with Media Center.
The homework for tonight is to complete math 6-5 and science pg. 47/48. Also sign your child's reading test and check out their book orders. If you would like to order books, please have the order form and money sent to class by this Friday. Thanks!
The homework for tonight is to complete math 6-5 and science pg. 47/48. Also sign your child's reading test and check out their book orders. If you would like to order books, please have the order form and money sent to class by this Friday. Thanks!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Friday--Miss Calderone
What a busy day! Our day started with centers. We completed three centers, however we had a bus evacuation drill right in the middle of them. After finishing up, we had our spelling test and then our reading test. That ended our morning! After lunch our mystery reader came and read to us. We listened to 3 stories! We then had math. Students had to guess my mystery number with clues using words like before, after, and in between. We then learned about ordinal numbers. We counted the numbers on the calendar using ordinal numbers. We then completed some math book pages and corrected them together. Right after math, we went to music. When we came back, we had celebration day and that was our day.
The homework for tonight is to complete the grammar sheet and math 6-4. For the grammar sheet, JUST CIRCLE THE NOUNS IN EACH SENTENCE. :) Have a wonderful weekend!
The homework for tonight is to complete the grammar sheet and math 6-4. For the grammar sheet, JUST CIRCLE THE NOUNS IN EACH SENTENCE. :) Have a wonderful weekend!
Friday in Mrs. Bognetti's Room
This morning we reviewed words with -at and -ate by making a web with all the words we knew. Then, we completed a workbook page using those types of words. We also reviewed our word wall words before we took our spelling test. We had a bus evacuation drill. Some students had a hard time following directions. I discussed some concerns that I had with the students when we returned to the classroom. We need to remember to be safe on a school bus! We reviewed subjects and predicates and completed a worksheet in class. After, we completed some centers we took our Reading test. In Science, we drew pictures of an animal from baby to adult. Then, we completed a worksheet together. We will have a science test next week on animals. This afternoon we had our first Mystery Reader. The children were so excited! Due to the lack of response, I am resending the Mystery Reader sign-up sheet if you are still interested. Please send the dates you prefer on Monday! In math we talked about ordinal numbers. The students in my class have two worksheets for homework. The students in Miss Calderone's room have one page. At the end of the day, the students went to gym class and then we took a trip to the library for Celebration Day.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Thursday in Mrs.Bognetti's Room
This morning we talked about syllables and the VCCV pattern. The children caught on quickly. Then, we completed our spelling worksheet in class. We also worked on sequencing. The students re-read The Enormous Turnip together and then had to put pages from the story in sequential order. We completed our DLP. We wrote a story using quotation marks. The students have a worksheet for homework on nouns. We also had Book Buddies. This afternoon in math, we skip-counted by twos, threes, fives and tens. We sang songs to reinforce the concepts. Then, we completed two workbook pages together using a number line and hundreds chart. The students have one page of math homework. In Social Studies, Miss Zagone taught the students about where they live (Addison, IL, USA, North America). The students cut out their "home" and placed it where they live in Addison. At the end of the day, they had music class.
Thursday--Miss Calderone's class
Today we began our day completing some of our DLP and writing in our October journal. After sharing, we worked on some phonics. We then reviewed vowels and consonants. We identified vowel, consonant, consonant ,vowel patterns and learned how to split the words into syllables. We completed a sheet independently and then corrected it together. We then reviewed nouns and made a list of people, places, things, and animals. After literacy we finished 3 centers. Our morning ended with social studies. We completed some pages in our Illinois packet and read some pages in our book together. Continents and oceans were introduced today. Please make sure to use pgs. 38 and 39 to help with the homework. After lunch we had math. We switched again and reviewed skip counting. We practiced skip counting in a big circle to emphasize that skip counting is really adding the same number over and over again. The students did an excellent job. We independently finished some book pages and corrected them together. We then had science where we reviewed how animals change and watched a short video about animal life cycles. Our day ended with P.E.
The homework for tonight to to read and study The Enormous Turnip, complete the spelling packet/study, finish the continent/ocean sheet, and finish math 6-3 (which may be already done).
The homework for tonight to to read and study The Enormous Turnip, complete the spelling packet/study, finish the continent/ocean sheet, and finish math 6-3 (which may be already done).
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Wednesday--Miss Calderone's class
We had a flip schedule today due to the Monday off, so we began our day with Music and P.E. Instead of P.E., we had an assembly about stranger danger! Please remember to talk to your child about stranger danger to reinforce good choices. We came back and began literacy. We learned about nouns and created lists of people, places, animals, and things. We then completed 3 centers. We ended our morning working to finish a grammar sheet on nouns and then corrected it together. After lunch we read Harry Potter for a bit and then switched math classes for the first time! We reviewed comparing numbers and then learned how to find numbers before, after and in between other numbers. We then had science where we finished our growing animal pictures. Our day ended with media center. We found states, their capitals, and their nicknames!
The homework for today is to read The Enormous Turnip and complete math 6-2.
The homework for today is to read The Enormous Turnip and complete math 6-2.
Wednesday in Mrs. Bognetti's Class
This morning the class had a substitute while I attended a meeting. The students went to gym and then to a presentation of Stranger Danger put on by Officer Peterson with the Addison Police Department. When they returned to class, the reviewed the spelling words and started their homework in class. They need to finish it for homework. Then, they played tic tac toe with their vocabulary words. Each student had to tell what the word meant in order to win the square. Then, the students acted out the story of The Enormous Turnip. Afterwards, they completed two sentences of DLP. They looked at quotation marks and dialogue on a page of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Lastly, they reviewed nouns. Each student has a workbook page on nouns for homework tonight. During science, the class read Lesson 7 and completed a worksheet together. The students have to complete the Lesson outline for homework tonight. This afternoon, I read the second chapter of The Chamber of Secrets to the class. Then, for the first time, we switched classes for math today. The students were so excited! We talked about number lines and the words before, after, and between. The students completed a hundreds chart in class and worked in their workbooks. They have one page of math homework. We went to the computer lab as well. We went to and looked at maps. We found our neighboring states and their capitals, too! Then, we finished our Illinois Booklets and re-read Lesson 4. The students have one page of Social Studies homework to complete.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Tuesday--Miss Calderone's class
Our day began with a new DLP. After correcting some sentences, we wrote in our journals and shortly after that, we shared what we wrote. We then learned the new "chunks" for the week; -ock and -ack. We read a poem together and identified all of the words with the new chunks. We then took our spelling pretest and received our spelling packets for the week. We learned about our new centers and then completed 3 of them! We finished literacy by reading The Enormous Turnip together and learning the new vocabulary. Our morning ended with Social studies. We reviewed urban, rural, and suburban communities by completing a chart together. After lunch we had math. We began chapter 6 by learning about greater than, less than, and equal to. We practiced the new skill by comparing number on white boards. We ran out of time and had to go to art, but after art, we finished math by completing some math book pages independently and then correcting them together. Our day ended with science. We read about how animals grow and change and then made illustrations of an animal of our choice growing and changing. We'll finish our drawings the next time we have science.
The homework for tonight is to read The Enormous Turnip, sign math test, S.S. pg. 8, and math pg. 6-1. Due to the day off, our normal Monday schedule will be tomorrow. Because of this, we will not have library. We will resume it again next week.
The homework for tonight is to read The Enormous Turnip, sign math test, S.S. pg. 8, and math pg. 6-1. Due to the day off, our normal Monday schedule will be tomorrow. Because of this, we will not have library. We will resume it again next week.
Tuesday in Mrs. Bognetti's Class
This morning we reviewed skills that we learned last Friday (words with -ack and -ock). We practiced making our spelling words with letters that we cut apart. The students have a worksheet to complete for homework. We discussed the vocabulary words for our story this week. Sequencing will be our focus skill of this week. Therefore, while we read The Enormous Turnip, we focused on what happened first, second, third, etc. We completed two sentences of DLP, talked about dialogue and the use of quotation marks, and discussed nouns. The students have one workbook page focusing on nouns for homework. We completed two centers today. In Social Studies, we worked on wrapping up our Illinois Booklets. This afternoon, we worked on comparing numbers and using the greater than and less than signs in math. Some sets of numbers were equal to each other, so therefore we used an equal sign. I collected the homework in class. At the end of the day, the children went to Art class.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Friday--Miss Calderone's class
What a fun day we had! Our morning started by writing a paragraph about our favorite type of book to read. After sharing, we completed 3 centers. We completed a quick spelling review and then practiced writing words in ABC order. We also learned how to use the glossary. We worked in partners to find words and write their definitions. It was tough, but eventually we got it. It did take us the rest of the morning. After lunch our first mystery reader came! It was so fun to hear a story from one of the student's dad! In math, we reviewed chapter 5 and then took the chapter test. Before music, the sorting hat came and sorted us into Harry Potter houses! We had such a fun time! After music, we came back and had celebration day. We had cupcakes to celebrate a birthday and played games. What a great day!
The homework for the 3 day weekend is to read The Enormous Turnip and practice your math facts.
The homework for the 3 day weekend is to read The Enormous Turnip and practice your math facts.
Friday in Mrs. Bognetti's Room
Since there is no school on Monday, we started next week's story, The Enormous Turnip, today. We talked about words with -ack and -ock. We introduced the spelling words and completed an activity in class. We completed two sentences of DLP and talked about nouns (person, place, thing or animal). Then, we finished our centers for the week. I collected them. In Science, each child made a food chain with the sun, leaves, slug, frog, and heron. They did a nice job! After lunch, we took our math test. We also finished Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone! The children were so excited that they want to start the Chamber of Secrets next week. There is no official homework over the weekend, but you may want to get a jumpstart on the Spelling and Vocabulary words, and you can always read!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Thursday--Miss Calderone's class
Today we began our day writing a paragraph about anything we wanted to in our October journal. After sharing a couple paragraphs, we wrote our second grade writing prompt for the first trimester. We then got a new Time for Kids. We read the article together, and then worked in partners to complete a comprehension sheet. It was a bit challenging, but it really forced the students to look back in the text, which is something we all need to work on. After correcting that, we finished our morning with centers. We only got to two centers, so we finished the last one after lunch. We then read Harry Potter for a bit and jumped right into math. We reviewed estimation and prediction, and then completed some workbook pages together. After that we watched a really neat animal adaptation movie in science. It reviewed what animals need to live and how they change to fit their environment. Our day ended with P.E.
The mid-trimester report went home today along with a sheet explaining the report and honor roll. Please make sure you read it. After discussing the mid-trimester report with your child, please sign it and bring it back to school. That is the only homework, but as always, your child should be reading and practicing math fact daily. Thank you so much for your support!
The mid-trimester report went home today along with a sheet explaining the report and honor roll. Please make sure you read it. After discussing the mid-trimester report with your child, please sign it and bring it back to school. That is the only homework, but as always, your child should be reading and practicing math fact daily. Thank you so much for your support!
Thursday in Mrs.Bognetti's Room
This morning we reviewed the practice paragraphs that we completed yesterday in class. The students analyzed each others' work. Then, we took our timed writing exam. After, we completed three centers and had book buddies. This afternoon, we practiced problem solving in math. We worked with partners and completed the math worksheet. After, we corrected it together. The students have workbook p. 91-92 for homework tonight. It will review learned concepts for our math test tomorrow. In science, we re-read our lesson and completed a food chain worksheet together. The students have one page of science homework. Tomorrow we will start the next story in our reading book, since next week only has 4 days. Tonight you need to sign the Theme Test results and progress reports are coming home as well. Please review it with your child.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Wednesday--Miss Calderone's class
Today was a really fun day. Our day began with writing in our journal about whether or not we like the rain. After sharing we talked about main idea and detail sentences. We identified the main idea when it was mixed between detail sentences and pasted them in the correct order. After that we talked about writing a paragraph and wrote one together about being a good student. After all that writing, we took some time to do 3 centers. Our day ended with social studies. We worked in our Illinois packet some more and learned what the state tree and flower is! After lunch we read Harry Potter for a bit and then began math. We started by writing number names on white boards and then moved on to learn about estimation. We learned some strategies for estimation and then completed some math book pages together. We then had library. When we came back from that, we had our first session of book buddies!!!! We had a great time reading with our new friends.
The homework for today is to complete math 5-5. Also, a purple slip with your child's theme test grade went home. Please sign it and bring it back to school.
The homework for today is to complete math 5-5. Also, a purple slip with your child's theme test grade went home. Please sign it and bring it back to school.
Wednesday in Mrs. Bognetti's Class
This morning we took a "real" practice writing test. The children had to write about their favorite thing about television. They had 40 minutes to make a 4-square and write the sentences into a paragraph. Some of the children were done, however, in 10 minutes! I reminded them that for tomorrow they need to SLOW DOWN and TAKE THEIR TIME! Others, worked hard for the entire 40 minutes. Tomorrow we will take the district writing exam after we review the paragraphs from today. After that, we completed three centers. Then, we reviewed animal groups in science and did an explore activity. We wanted to see if it mattered where eyes were placed on the head (in front vs. the side). We decided that certain animals need to have eyes on the sides of their head in order not to be eaten by predators! We read a new lesson and watched a short video clip about food chains. The students have one page of science homework. This afternoon, we learned how to estimate in math. We compared bags of different items (paper clips, linker cubes, etc.) and guessed how many items were in each bag. Then, we used our knowledge of smaller bags to estimate how much were in bigger bags. We could count by tens to find our answers. We completed our workbook page together and our homework sheet in class. I collected it. At the end of the day, the children went to the library. Don't forget to send the books back with your child every Wednesday!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Tuesday in Mrs. Bognetti's Class
This morning we finished our Theme 1 Test for English. Then, we practiced writing about what we liked best about lunch at Wesley School. Together, we made a 4-square (putting the main idea in the center and then writing three sentences about the main idea, with a feeling sentence at the end). Then, the students had to write it into a paragraph, remembering to indent the first sentence. Mrs. Friedrich and I showed each student where they made errors and the students corrected them. I sent them home in the take home folders. Tomorrow, we will practice again (with less guidance) and they will be timed (for practice). The actual writing test will take place on Thursday and they will have 40 minutes to complete it. Then, we did two centers today. We worked in our Social Studies booklets. We learned about Illinois' motto and state seal. We learned that the state bird is the cardinal. This afternoon, we learned how to write numbers in words. For homework, they must complete their math worksheet and must not have spelling errors! I asked them to take home their workbook page to help them with the spelling! At the end of the day, they went to art class.
Tuesday--Miss Calderone's class
What a fast day! We started our day writing in our journal. We used the word wall word to make sentences. After sharing we reviewed a friendly letter and wrote them to a person of our choice. We then completed two centers. After centers we took our end of unit Theme Test. The test will not be sent home, but you will get a sheet letting you and your child know the earned grade tomorrow or Thursday. Our day ended with Social Studies. We worked in our Illinois packet some more to finish the morning. After lunch we began math. We reviewed what we learned yesterday and completed some workbook pages independently. After correcting them, we ran out of time! We had to go to art, but when we came back, we finished our math lesson and learned about writing the names of numbers. Our day ended with science. We reviewed a food chain and worked to complete our own food chain!
The homework for tonight is to complete math 5-3. As always, continue reading.
***Please check your child's folder for dental sealant information.
The homework for tonight is to complete math 5-3. As always, continue reading.
***Please check your child's folder for dental sealant information.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Monday in Mrs. Bognetti's Room
This morning after gym and art, we took the first part of our Theme 1 Reading Test. After, we worked on some cross-curricular centers. We also practiced some handwriting: printed letters c and e. I explained to the students that after we cover each letter, I expect the letters to be made correctly. In the afternoon, we learned place value to the hundreds. We used an internet site to practice identifying the value of certain digits in a number. We completed our workbook pages and our homework IN CLASS. I collected it. Then, we went to the computer lab to research our state governor. We recorded many facts and glued a picture of the governor in our Illinois Booklets. When we got back to class, we went online to find a picture of our state tree, the White Oak. The students drew a picture in their booklets as well. While there is no official homework, the students do need to get their reading tests signed to bring back tomorrow. They can also read and add book titles to their reading logs.
Monday--Miss Calderone's class
We did not have a DLP this morning because we will not be starting a new story until next week. Our morning began with music, P.E., and when we came back we wrote in our journals about what we did over the weekend. After sharing, we reviewed a friendly letter. We wrote a letter to a student in the class and later he wrote back! We then cut and pasted parts of a letter into the correct format. Our morning ended with 2 centers. After lunch we silent read and then read Harry Potter for a bit. We moved into math where we talked about tens and ones places and practiced grouping by tens. We completed some math book pages together. After math we had science where we reviewed what animals need to live, and then learned about a food chain. We discussed some food chains as a group. Our day ended with Media Center.
The homework for tonight is to get the reading test signed and complete math 5-2.
The homework for tonight is to get the reading test signed and complete math 5-2.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Early Release Friday--Mrs. Bognetti's Room
This morning flew by! When the students got here, we wrote in our journals, as we do every day. After sharing our ideas about what we would do if we were fish, we reviewed words with
-ed endings that needed their y's changed to i's. Then, we took our spelling test. We corrected our sentences of DLP. Then, we did some centers. After gym class, we took our reading test. Then, it was time to go! Over the weekend, read, read, read! There will be no new spelling words next week, as we will be Theme Testing in Reading and Writing.
-ed endings that needed their y's changed to i's. Then, we took our spelling test. We corrected our sentences of DLP. Then, we did some centers. After gym class, we took our reading test. Then, it was time to go! Over the weekend, read, read, read! There will be no new spelling words next week, as we will be Theme Testing in Reading and Writing.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Thursday--Miss Calderone's class
Today we started our day by completing some DLP sentences and writing in our journal about our favorite thing about school. After correcting and sharing, we worked on phonics. We practiced clapping out syllables and moved onto compound words. We identified words that were compound words and ones that were not and put them into a t-chart. We then completed a workbook page with a partner and corrected it together. We completed 3 centers, and to end the day, we worked with partners to finish a beginning, middle, and end story map for Wilson Sat Alone. We needed some extra time after lunch to finish, and then shared our answers. We read Harry Potter for a bit before starting math. In math, we discussed how to change groups of tens into ones (1 ten = 10 ones). We practiced skip counting by tens and worked to complete some math book pages independently. After correcting, we started science. We accessed our background knowledge by making a "What animals need" web before reading/discussing some pages in our book. We finished science by completing a worksheet independently and correcting it together. Our day ended with P.E.
The homework for tonight is to finish the spelling packet/study, read Wilson Sat Alone/study, and complete math 5-1.
*****Please remember that tomorrow is a 1/2 day! The students get out at noon.
The homework for tonight is to finish the spelling packet/study, read Wilson Sat Alone/study, and complete math 5-1.
*****Please remember that tomorrow is a 1/2 day! The students get out at noon.
Thursday in Mrs.Bognetti's Room
When the students got here this morning, they finished their thank-you letters from yesterday. Then, we built compound words (star + fish=starfish) and clapped them out by syllables. We completed a workbook page together. The students started their spelling worksheet in class, but need to finish it for homework. After, we talked about narrative elements (characters, setting and plot). Then, we re-read Wilson Sat Alone in groups. Each group was responsible for writing the beginning, middle and end of the story on dry-erase boards. Then, we shared with the rest of the class. We completed two sentences of DLP. Then, we practiced finding predicates (or telling parts of sentences). The students have one page of homework to finish for English. We completed two centers today. Then, we read with our 4th grade Book Buddies. This afternoon, we worked with tens and ones in math. We used an internet site to see a demonstration of how to combine ones and trade them in to make a ten. They have one page of math homework. In science, we read about insects, birds and fish. We took notes and copied a chart that is displayed on the wall. Then, the students started working on the Lessson outline. They need to finish it for homework. Don't forget that there is a reading and spelling test tomorrow. The students were instructed to bring home their reading books for review tonight. Also, remember that tomorrow is Early Dismissal Day. Students are finished at 12 pm.
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