Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wednesday--Miss Calderone's class

Today we began as usual with our DLP and writing in our journal. After sharing we did some phonics and talked about what being a friend is. We then completed 3 centers. Our morning ended with social studies. We started looking in our Illinois packet to learn some new facts. We searched 'Illinois Facts' on the Internet and found some really interesting information! We also talked about the other states that border Illinois. With the people sitting next to us, we had fun finding words in an Illinois word search. After lunch we read Harry Potter for a bit before starting math. In math, we reviewed the chapter and took our Chapter 4 test. The students did an excellent job. We then went to library and came back to work on science. We reviewed the animal groups, completed a page together, and had a little bit of time to draw animals to fit in particular animals groups.

The homework for tonight is to read Wilson Sat Alone and complete grammar pg. 91.

Wednesday in Mrs. Bognetti's Class

This morning we reviewed words with -at and -ate. I gave the students two sentences to write down (using their best spelling, capitalization, and punctuation) and then we corrected it. The students started their spelling worksheet, but need to finish it for homework. Check it over for your son or daughter! After, we reviewed our vocabulary and word wall words using Power Point presentations. We re-read Wilson Sat Alone with a partner. We completed our DLP sentences for today. Then, we looked at two sample letters (an invitation and a thank-you letter). We thought of a gift we would like someone to give us and started writing pretend thank-you letters. We will finish them in class tomorrow. Then, we completed three centers. In Science, we started learning about animals and the groups they are classified into. Specifically, today we talked about mammals, reptiles and amphibians. Then we watched a video clip showing examples of each. This afternoon we took our math test. Then, we started talking about the concept of "tens". We used linker cubes to make sticks of ten cubes each. We counted by tens to figure out how many cubes we had altogether. The students have one page of homework. In Social Studies, we talked about famous places in Illinois. We also colored our state neighbors on a map. At the end of the day, the children visited the library.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tuesday--Miss Calderone's class

Today our day began as usual completing our DLP and writing in our September journal about what we would do to help another classmate not feel lonely. After sharing, we practiced how to read longer words by finding small words and chunks inside of the longer word. We then independently completed a workbook page that reviewed some of the spelling words. After correcting that, we had our first practice lock-down drill. Everybody did an excellent job of following directions and staying quiet. We then had some time to complete 2 centers. We started Art center today and it went really well! Our morning ended with social studies. We reviewed what an urban community is and then learned about a rural and suburban community. After lunch, we read another fun story that a student brought in, and we also had a student sit in the "Author's Chair" and read her very own story! We actually ran out of time and had to go to art. After art we had math for a bit and reviewed how to make number sentences from number stories. Our day ended with science. We finished discussing classification of animals and filled in the rest of our 'Kinds of Animals' chart. We also got to see an ant farm that a student brought in! It was really neat.

The homework for today is to read Wilson Sat Alone, complete math 4-5, and also complete the Fire Safety paragraph (if you choose).

Tuesday in Mrs. Bognetti's Class

This morning I read several books by Kevin Henkes to the class. They really enjoyed hearing the stories and enjoying the humor within. We made lists of words with -at and -ate in them. We added some to our Quick Words. We used letters to make some of our spelling words. Then, the students started their spelling worksheet, but need to finish it for homework. Today we introduced the vocabulary words. I could tell who had studied over the weekend! We cut apart vocabulary cards to be used at home, too. They are in a baggie with their spelling letters. We watched a Power Point presentation and completed a workbook pages using those words. Then, we talked about characters' feelings in stories. As we read Wilson Sat Alone, we tried to think about how he felt being left out. After the story we completed DLP. The students have one worksheet of English for homework. They need to distinguish between subjects and predicates. We also did two centers. In Social Studies, we started our Illinois Booklets. We read some interesting trivia facts about Illinois, looked at a map of Illinois and started an Illinois word search. This afternoon, we used what we know about addition and subtraction to solve story problems. We finished the math worksheet with partners. Then, we played a game to review our math facts. The students need to complete the review for the test workbook page for homework. There will be a test tomorrow. The students were too excited to go to art at the end of the day, as this was their first time using watercolors!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday in Mrs. Bognetti's Room

This morning after gym and music, we read a story about friendship. Chester's Way by Kevin Henkes shows how two friends have things in common. It also shows how to include others. Then, we discussed words with -at and -ate and introduced the spelling words. As you saw on the list that went home last Friday, the hardest word this week is "appreciate". Study hard! We completed two sentences of DLP and learned about predicates (the telling parts of sentences). We introduced and completed one center. This afternoon in math we worked with fact families. The students had to come up with two addition and two subtraction sentences for 3 numbers in a fact family. They did very well. We completed our workbook pages in class and sang our doubles song. They have one page of math homework to reinforce those fact families. Then, we went to the computer lab and learned about internet safety. In Social Studies, we talked about states and countries. We learned about Illinois' state capital, as well as our nation's. We will begin our "Illinois Booklets" tomorrow. In it, we will learn about the state's bird, tree, flower, etc. Next week in the computer lab, we will research Illinois' governor. Your child is bringing home his/her Math Test, Reading Test and Science Test from last week. You need to sign them all and send them back to school. Thanks for your support!

Monday--Miss Calderone's class

Today was a very fast day! We began our day very quickly by going to Music and then P.E. right after that. When we came back we corrected some sentences in our DLP and wrote in our September journal. After sharing, we learned our new chunks for the week -at and -ate. We read a poem and found the chunks we learned. We then had our spelling pretest. After correcting it, we learned about the new centers. We completed 2 centers to finish our morning. After lunch we read some scary stories (they weren't really scary at all though :)) from a book that one of our classmates brought in! We then had math where we reviewed fact families. Everybody did an excellent job! After math we had science. We began the new science chapter; animals. We started by reading about reptiles and mammals, and together, filled out a chart. Our day ended with Media Center (computer lab time). We had a great first day!

The homework for tonight is to sign/return the science and reading test, and complete math 4-4. Also check your child's folder for a new mystery reader sheet! We still have some spots open.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Friday--Miss Calderone's class

This morning we came in and began finishing our DLP and writing in our September journal. After correcting and sharing, we began our first center. Before moving onto our second and third, we did some phonics work. After centers we took our Spelling Test. We reviewed for our reading test by playing pictionary with the vocabulary words for Frog and Toad. We finished literacy after we took our reading test. Our morning ended with Social Studies. We learned about urban communities, and drew a picture to represent what they look like. After lunch we read Harry Potter for a bit, and then began math. We used Ten-Frames to add and subtract. After math we had music, followed by celebration day. We had a lot of fun switching rooms to make frogs and lilly-pads for a huge, second grade quilt.

The homework over the weekend, beside reading, is math pg. 4-3. Remember to fill out that reading log!

Friday in Mrs. Bognetti's Room

We worked hard today! This morning we reviewed words with -ed and talked about the sounds we hear at the ends of these words. We took our spelling test and completed this week's DLP. You will see that in your child's take home folder. Then, we completed three centers. I collected their Think Tac Toe activities. Afterwards, we took our Reading and Science Tests. This afternoon, we used ten frames again to add and subtract. The students worked in their math books independently and then began their homework. They have one page to complete for homework over the weekend. At the end of the day, we made a Frog and Toad quilt to be displayed in the hallway.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thursday--Miss Calderone's class

Our day began as usual with our DLP and journal writing. After doing some phonics work, we reviewed naming parts of sentences and then identified them in some sentences. We then partnered up and quizzed each other on spelling words and completed a reading book page on the -ed ending and counting syllables. After correcting together, we completed 3 centers. After centers, we reviewed what the setting of a story is. We picked different settings from Frog and Toad and drew it on a piece of paper. We wrote a sentence to explain which setting we picked. We finished the morning writing a friendly letter to a person of our choice. After lunch we read Harry Potter for a bit before getting into math. We began chapter 4 today by learning about adding doubles + 1. We completed a couple workbook pages with a partner and corrected them together. We finished the day with our science test and gym. I almost forgot! We got to eat some really yummy cupcakes to celebrate a birthday!

The homework for tonight is to read/study Frog and Toad, complete the spelling packet/study, math 4-1, and sign/bring back your math test.

Thursday in Mrs.Bognetti's Room

Tomorrow's focus is on tests, tests, tests. As usual, we will take the Reading and Spelling tests. Then, we will also take our first Science test. The children will be bringing home any notes, illustrations, worksheets, etc. that they will need to study. Please review the vocabulary words and re-read all of the lessons. They have one page of homework to complete for science. In math today, we used ten frames to add and subtract. The goal was to make tens. Your child should be able to draw a ten frame at home and use cereal pieces, M&Ms, or any other objects that are colored differently. They have one page of homework for math. This morning, we accomplished a lot in Reading. We clapped out syllables and found base words with endings. The students have one page of spelling homework. They re-read the story with a group. We completed three centers. Overall, the students worked very hard today!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wednesday in Mrs. Bognetti's Class

What a busy day! This morning we made a list of things that we did yesterday (in the past) and today (present). We changed the y's to i's and added -ed when it was in the past. Then, we completed our spelling worksheet in class. We re-read Frog and Toad with a partner. We compared and contrasted frogs and toads. We went to to find out what frogs and toads eat. We completed two sentences of DLP and three centers. In Science, we made lists of things that are made from plants and things that are not made from plants. We read the lesson and the students have an outline to complete for homework. We will take our first Science test on Friday. Look for a note that states the pages for you to review with your child. This afternoon, we took our math test. Most students did well. I will send home the test after everyone has taken it. Then, we began Chapter 4 (Relating Addition and Subtraction). The students practiced their double facts by singing a song and looking at doubles butterflies we made to keep on the wall. The students have one page of math homework. Then, in Social Studies, we watched a video clip on urban, suburban, and rural areas. The students completed a worksheet in class.

Wednesday--Miss Calderone's class

Our day began with completing some of our DLP and writing in our September journal. After correcting our DLP and sharing our journals, we worked on some phonics. We then learned about the naming part of a sentence. We partnered up to complete a worksheet and then corrected it together. After that, we reviewed Frog and Toad by completing a beginning, middle, and end story map. We finished literacy by completing 3 centers. Our morning ended with socials studies. We reviewed how to use a map and complete a worksheet together. We read some pages in our social studies book and discussed what history means. After lunch we came back and read Harry Potter for a bit. We then began math where we reviewed for our Chapter 3 test and then took it. After math, we went to library and finished our day with science. Today was the last day to check our plants! So far we have 3 plants growing and today we found that's all that will be growing :( We finished up our day reviewing for our Science test tomorrow!

The homework for tonight is to read Frog and Toad and study for the science test!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tuesday--Miss Calderone's class

As soon as we got to class today, we began working on our DLP and writing in our September journal. We corrected our DLP and then went to take our pictures. After pictures we came back and shared our predictions as to why some of our seeds grew without soil! We then moved on to writing a friendly letter. We wrote a friendly letter to Mr. Langman to get some practice in. We then learned the new vocabulary for our story, Days with Frog and Toad, and made a list of feelings we may have when we're alone. We listened to the story on tape and discussed it. Our morning ended with completing 3 centers. After lunch we came back and had math. To start math we drew pictures of fall and winter and then completed a Venn-diagram to compare and contrast the two seasons. We finished math by completing a math book page together. The students then went to art, and when they came back, we began science. We looked around the room for materials that are made from plants and that are not made from plants. After making a T-chart, we independently completed a science page and then corrected it together.

The homework for tonight is to read Frog and Toad, complete math 3-6, and study for the science test (a note went home about this).

Tuesday in Mrs. Bognetti's Class

This morning we worked on changing the y to an i and adding -ed. The children did a great job with our activity! They have one page of spelling homework. We went to get our pictures taken; everyone looked gorgeous today! Then, we introduced the vocabulary words (thanks to those who are practicing at home...we can tell!) and read Days with Frog and Toad. After, we completed our DLP and learned about subjects (naming parts) of sentences. The students have a reading workbook page to finish for homework. I did three of the seven with them. Then, we completed two centers today. In Social Studies, we drew pictures of rural, urban and suburban areas. After lunch, we practiced solving story problems comparing "How many more..." or "How many fewer...". The strategies we used were to subtract or count on. They will have a math test tomorrow. The homework is to complete a review test...workbook p. 49-50.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Monday in Mrs. Bognetti's Room

This morning we introduced the phonics pattern of the week (change the y to and i and then add -ed). Then, we practiced about the spelling words. We completed a challenging workbook page in class. The children fixed two sentences of DLP. We covered the parts of a friendly letter (heading, greeting, body, closing, and signature). We did a review sheet on statements and questions. Tomorrow we will talk about the subjects (or naming parts) of sentences. After lunch, we read Cloudy with the Chance of Meatballs, in case any of you were planning on going to the movies. In math today, we wrote "number expressions" for certain numbers. The students have one page of math homework. At the end of the day, we took our Math MAP tests. Don't forget that tomorrow is Picture Day!

Monday--Miss Calderone's class

As soon as we got to school we got settled in and then headed to music followed by P.E. When we came back we corrected our DLP and wrote in our September journals. After sharing about what we did over the weekend and working with phonics, we learned about the new spelling rule for this week; drop the y and add an -ied. We worked with root words and then applied the rule to make new words. We completed a worksheet independently and after correcting it, took our spelling pretest. After correcting that, we learned about the new centers. Unfortunately, we only had time to complete one, very short, center. When we came back we took our math MAPs test! Glad that's over! To get our wiggles out, we went outside for a bit. When we came back in we began math and learned about number expressions (basically number sentences without an 'equals' part). Together we came up with some number expressions and then worked with partners to complete some math book pages. After correcting, it was time to go!

The homework for tonight is to get the reading test signed, math 3-5, turn in the Highlights sheet (whether you decide to get the magazine or not) and also please remember that TOMORROW IS PICTURE DAY!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday in Mrs. Bognetti's Room

The students have one page of math homework to complete over the weekend. They need to solve for the missing addends. We took our Reading and Spelling tests today. If your child did not earn an 80% or better on their Spelling test, please study those words throughout the week! I sent home the list for next week today so that you can get a jump start for next Friday's test. Thanks for your help!

Friday!!! Miss Calderone's class

After finishing our DLP and journals, we jumped right into centers. We finished our final three and then took our spelling test. Before taking our reading test, we studied the vocabulary by playing pictionary! We love it! After our reading test we reviewed commands and exclamations and then partnered up to complete a worksheet. Our morning finished with looking over a Time For Kids magazine and reading a bit of the cover story. After lunch we read Harry Potter and then had math. We reviewed related facts and then learned how to use related facts to find missing numbers. The students seemed to catch on quickly. After doing some math book pages together, we went to music. Our day ended with celebration day!

The homework for the weekend is to of course, read and keep logging in those books, and math pg. 3-4. *****Picture day is Tuesday! Please check your child's folder for the picture order form.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thursday--Miss Calderone's class

We had a very fast day today. We began our day with completing some sentences in our DLP and writing in our journal about who our best friends are and what they're like. After sharing we did some phonics work and then reviewed/learned how to put words in ABC order. We did some examples together and then worked with partners to put our spelling words in order! That was challenging. After correcting we completed three centers. Everything took a little longer than expected so that was the end of our morning! After lunch we read for a bit and then began math where we learned about fact families. We practiced finding related facts and then worked with a partner to complete some work independently. After correcting and discussing the answers, we began science. We finished reading the chapter so next week will be our first test! I'll send a note home so you know exactly when it will be and what will be on it. Our day ended with gym.

the homework for tonight is to complete the spelling packet/study, math 3-3, and read Henry and Mudge/study for the test tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wednesday in Mrs. Bognetti's Class

Homework: Spelling, Math, and Science worksheets!

This morning we spent a lot of time on literacy and centers. We actually got through three centers/guided reading! Then, we did an explore activity on seeds in Science. Ask your child what their hypothesis was and what was concluded. In the afternoon, our student teacher, Ms. Zagone, had an opportunity to read to the class. Then, we learned about taking all or none away in math. At the end of the day, the students went to the library.

Start sending in Box Tops/Campbell Soup labels. We are having a classroom competition this month. Thanks for helping out!

Wednesday--Miss Calderone's class

Our day started with completing our DLP and writing sentences using the word wall words in our September journals. After sharing, we came to the floor to do some phonics. We then re-read Henry and Mudge with a partner. Together, we completed a Venn-Diagram that told us how Henry and Mudge are alike, and how they are different. After that, we reviewed paragraphs. We took a look at some mixed up sentences, found a sentence that didn't belong, found the main idea, and then found the detail sentences. Check out your child's take home folder! We then had our spelling pretest...finally! The students did very well. After literacy we worked hard to finish 3 centers! Our morning ended by answering some questions about a map we found on the Internet. After lunch we reviewed what to do in a severe weather drill. We came back to the class and began math. We started chapter 3, subtraction. We reviewed how to subtract on a number line and completed some math book pages together, with partners, and independently. We were able to actually do two lessons in one day today! After math we went to library. When we came back, we had science. Today marked week two for our lima bean plants. We had lots of changes again, and another plant began growing! We could see the roots, stem, seed, and even a leaf! Awesome! We read some science pages with a partner to finish our day.

The homework for today is to read Henry and Mudge, get your math test signed, and math pg. 3-2.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tuesday in Mrs. Bognetti's Class

This morning we worked very hard during guided reading and centers. It seems that our practice rounds for the last two weeks have paid off! Everyone did really well working independently and knew what to do! We have one page of Spelling homework. We also have a workbook page to finish for English. We've been working on telling the difference between commands (.) and exclamations (!). Please check over your child's work tonight! This afternoon, we finished up a few projects we've been working on in math. We made symmetrical butterflies to help us remember our doubles facts. We continued writing addition story problems. And, we began learning about subtraction facts 0-20. Today the strategy was to use a number line. In a math center, we also used an egg carton and some manipulatives to help us learn subtraction facts up to 12. Ask your child how to make one at home! Some children suggested they use M&Ms to subtract....sounds good to me! Have a good night!

Tuesday--Miss Calderone's class

We started our day completing a couple sentences in our DLP and writing in our September journal about what it means to be respectful. After sharing and creating a "respectful" list, we did some phonics, and finally got our reading workbooks! We worked with partners to finish a page. We then reviewed the -ed endings by correcting the page together. After that we learned the new vocabulary for the story "Henry and Mudge Under the Yellow Moon", and read the very short story together. After discussing, we went to complete 3 centers. That was our morning! After lunch we had to get right into math. We reviewed adding 3 digit numbers, in/out boxes, and addends/sums and then took our chapter 2 math test. We had to finish math after art. Our day ended with science. We read a couple pages in our book, wrote a life cycle web in our science journal, and to finish science, cut pictures in the correct order of a plant life cycle. On a side note, our sprouted lima bean has already grown into a young plant! I hope it keeps growing!

The homework for tonight is to read Henry and Mudge. Please continue math facts and reading at home. Everything helps.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Monday--Miss Calderone's class

We had a very fast day today. We started our day with music, followed quickly by P.E. We then came back and learned the 3 different sounds for the -ed ending. After putting the correct words under the correct ending sounds in our literacy journal, we worked on some phonics. After phonics, we talked about paragraphs. We reviewed what the main idea sentence is (and where it should go) and the job of detail sentences. We wrote a whole paragraph about fall in our literacy journal. We finished up the morning with one center. After lunch we had 5 minutes to get drinks, but quickly had to go take our first MAPs test in reading! We're glad that's over! Everybody did a wonderful job of trying their hardest and staying quiet for over an hour! After that long test, we went outside to play and get all the energy out. When we came back we had a bit of time to color a doubles butterfly in math.

The homework for today is to finish your butterfly if you didn't in class, and get your reading test signed! Parents/Guardians, please sign your child's test after looking over it with him/her. Return it to school and I will file it. Mrs. Bognetti and myself ask that you sign tests to keep open communication with you about grades. ***Also, on Friday I forgot to send mailboxes home! Please check your child's take home folder for all of the graded work from last week!

Monday in Mrs. Bognetti's Room

Yes, it's true, there is no homework today. HOWEVER, students can still read books to add to their book logs and practice their spelling and vocabulary words! Please make sure that your child is only writing down books in their book logs that they have FINISHED reading. I noticed that a lot of children had some pretty hefty chapter books written down already that they couldn't possibly have read in one weekend.

Today we took our first MAP test in Reading. Some of the children had a hard time focusing and need to remember that everyone's test is different! It does not benefit the child to look at others' computer screens! Next Monday we will take the Math test.

Speaking of math, we took our Chapter 2 math test today. Most of the students did well. We will start subtraction tomorrow.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Happy Friday! Mrs. Bognetti's Class...

This morning we reviewed words with -id and -ide. We also looked at sentences that had words out of order and fixed them so that they made sense. We completed our DLP and I collected it. After that, we took our Reading and Spelling tests. We also finished up our think-tac-toe for the week. We watched a brief movie on plant parts. Next week we will talk about how plants make more plants. In Social Studies, we learned how to read a map using the map key and compass rose. This afternoon, we worked on addition story problems. Each student wrote two of their own math stories and after they have a picture to accompany them, we will bind them into a class book! The students do have one page of math homework. Over the weekend, you can start reading toward our 40 book goal for the trimester. Logs were stapled into the students' folders today. Each time they finish a book, just write it down! They were so excited to be able to earn a punch on their ticket to Hogwarts! Don't forget that listening to books on tape or CD in the car count, too! Have a wonderful weekend.

Friday--Miss Calderone's class

What a fast day! Our day started with talking about Patriot Day and the importance of September 11th. We then had 3 centers! After centers we reviewed for the end of story test by playing Pictionary with the vocabulary words. We then took the reading and spelling test. Our day ended with social studies. We reviewed what a community is and completed a worksheet together. After lunch we came back and looked at some pictures that helped us to remember the heroes from September 11th. We then began math. Today we learned the strategy drawing a picture to help us solve math problems. We did some work on white boards, worked in our book together, and worked with partners! After math we had music. We finished the day with celebration day and got to go outside for a bit.

The only homework over the weekend is to complete math pg. 2-5 and read at least 20 minutes per night. Remember to start tracking those books!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thursday in Mrs.Bognetti's Room

Homework tonight: Finish spelling worksheet, Math worksheet

I hope you are joining us for Curriculum Night tonight! I will tell you all about what we do in class every day and go over expectations for the school year as well. You will have an opportunity to sign up to be a Mystery Reader and see some of your child's work in the hall! You will also get to choose the time you want for conferences as well.

On the math homework, encourage your child to show if they found a double or two numbers that make a ten first, then solve the problem.

Don't forget that we have a reading and spelling test tomorrow!

Thursday--Miss Calderone's class

Today we began with a story and phonics. We then completed a couple sentences in our DLP and wrote in our journal. A couple of us got to share, but we were surprised by a practice fire drill! Everyone did a wonderful job of listening and following directions. I was very proud. When we came back we finished sharing and then partnered up to complete a grammar sheet on punctuation. We then completed a center, followed by learning about the author's purpose for writing. We then finished our last two centers. Our morning ended completing a 4 square vocabulary sheet. After lunch we read Harry Potter for a bit before beginning math. Today we learned how to add 3-digit numbers. While doing the homework, please ask your child to find a doubles fact (a number + the same number) or a ten fact (2 numbers that add up to ten). After finding the doubles or tens fact, then add the third number to get the sum. After math we finished our plants from art center and went to gym. That ended our day!

The homework tonight is to finish the spelling packet, read Get Up and Go!, and math pg. 2-4. Also, please remember to study for the reading test and spelling test tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wednesday--Miss Calderone's class

What a fast day! We began with a story and some phonics. We then moved onto completing some sentences in our DLP and writing sentences using the sight words in our journal. After sharing some sentences, we found the new chunks –ame and –ake in long words. Identifying the chunks will help your child become a better reader. The new centers were introduced and then we completed 2. We took a break to have snack and work on our spelling packet, but then went on to finish one more. We finished the morning reading some pages in our social studies book and learning about what a community is. After lunch we read Harry Potter and then learned about an in and out box in math. We used white boards to practice completing an in/out box, got together in partners to finish some math book pages, and then corrected them together. We then had library. When we came back, we checked the status of our Lima beans! It’s been one whole week and we have all kinds of seeds. Some have died and we have one that has already sprouted! It’s unbelievable; ask your child about it! We finished the day putting new paper towel in our bags, and ordering pictures to represent the growth of a seed.

The homework for tonight is to read “Get Up and Go!” and complete math pg. 2-3.

Wednesday in Mrs. Bognetti's Class

This morning we learned our vocabulary words and read the story Get Up and Go! We also practiced our phonics/spelling pattern for the week (words with -ame and -ake). The students have one page of spelling homework to finish. Then, we completed our DLP and discussed characteristics of sentences (starts with capital letter, ends with a period, and makes sense!). The students have a workbook page to complete for English homework. In Science, we made diagrams of the parts of a plant. They are hung in the hall for you to see tomorrow night, Curriculum Night! After lunch, the students were "sorted into their houses" as we read Harry Potter. It was really fun! Then, we learned about using rules and patterns to add numbers. The students have one page of math homework. In Social Studies, we learned about communities and made a flash card to help us learn the meaning of the word.

When you finish cereal, please send your empty boxes to school, as we are in need of more "Book Boxes".

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tuesday--Miss Calderone's class

Welcome back! Our day began by reading a story about a chameleon that wanted a color of his own. We then did some phonics work, completed a couple sentences in our DLP and wrote in our journals. After sharing, we learned the new spelling chunks for this week: -ame and –ake. We identified the chunks in a poem and then took our spelling pretest. After correcting the words, we learned the vocabulary for the new story, partner read the story, and then read the story altogether. We ran out of time for centers! The morning ended writing a sentence and drawing a picture about a rule/law that we follow at home, in school, or outside of home/school. After lunch we began math and learned how to “count on” using a number line in the hallway! We couldn’t finish math because we had to go to art, but finished it when we got back. Our day ended with science. We did a fun observation experiment with an apple, read a couple pages in our science book, and then worked to complete one science page.

The homework for tonight is to finish your rule drawing if you didn’t in class, read Get Up and Go! and complete math pg. 2-2.

Friday, September 4, 2009

It's Friday in Mrs. Bognetti's Room!

Our first reading and spelling tests were taken with enthusiasm! Everyone did well on the Spelling test. I will send home the Reading test (and the Math test from yesterday) when everyone has taken them. We practiced more centers today and wrapped up literacy for this week. In Social Studies, we read a Time for Kids magazine and learned two vocabulary words: law and vote. We completed a worksheet about following rules in our neighborhood. This afternoon we read Harry Potter. Then, we tried different strategies to practice adding. We learned that we can add 6 +3 and 3+6 to get the same answer. We also learned that when you add zero to a number, it is always that number. The students do have one page of homework to complete over the weekend. At the end of the day, we had our first celebration of good behavior. Those students that earned at least three stamps this week got to play outside! Next week, since it is a short week, I will require that they earn two. Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!

Friday--Miss Calderone's class

What a super fast day! We started off with a story, then did some phonics. We then completed only 2 centers because we ran out of time. After we finished, we completed our DLP and wrote in our journals. Then, it was test time! We took our spelling test and after our reading test. Because we took the reading test together, you'll find it in your child's take home folder. Hopefully they'll be ready and not too intimidated when we take the reading tests. We then came to the floor and practiced counting syllables. We found one and two syllable words in the story. Our morning ended with making mixed up chameleons! They look awesome! We didn't get to finish, so we saved them for our celebration day this afternoon. When we came back from lunch, we read Harry Potter for quite a while! Everybody did a fantastic job of listening. We then had math where we learned about addends and that when you switch them, the sum is the same. After math we went to music and ended our day with finishing our chameleons.

The homework for the weekend is to read Get Up and Go! our next story. Also, math 2-1. Please remember it is a three day weekend so don't come on Monday! Happy Labor Day :)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thursday in Mrs.Bognetti's Room

This morning we reviewed our phonics pattern, practiced counting syllables and completed our DLP. We made our own mixed-up chameleons and watched a DVD of Eric Carle stories. We also read several of his other books. The students really enjoyed listening! This afternoon, we read Harry Potter. Then, we reviewed for and took our first math test. In science, we learned about the parts of plants. The students have one page of homework. Tomorrow will be our first reading and spelling tests. You can help by re-reading the story and reviewing the vocabulary words!

Thursday--Miss Calderone's class

This morning we began with another story about a plant’s life cycle, worked to complete some sentences in our DLP and then wrote in out September journals. After sharing, we did some phonics and then talked about what a table of contents is. We found some information using a table of contents and then completed a worksheet together. We then completed 3 centers! After centers we visited Mrs. Bognetti’s room to watch a few Eric Carle based movies! We had a blast! After lunch we read a bit of Harry Potter and then started math. We reviewed chapter one and then took our first math test! I hope everybody did a great job! We had a little time for science so we labeled a plant and talked about the job of each part. We ended the day with gym.

The homework for today is to read The Mixed Up Chameleon and study for the spelling test tomorrow! I will be giving a regular spelling test, however for the first end of story reading test, I will be helping the class through it.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wednesday--Miss Calderone's class

Today we started with another story about seeds. After reading we completed 2 sentences in our DLP and wrote in our journals. After sharing we did some phonics and then completed a Mixed Up Chameleon web together. We then worked to finish 3 centers! We haven’t had a ton of time to do centers because we’re still getting the quirks figured out. After centers we reviewed what we learned in social studies and then learned about what a law is and what voting means. We finished a sheet together. After lunch we began math by finishing yesterday’s lesson. We learned about how “in all” means to add and “are left” means to subtract. We worked together and independently to finish some workbook pages. After sharing some number stories we went to library. We were still unable to check out books so we spent some time on the computers. We finished up our day with a lima bean experiment! We put lima beans in plastic bags along with a wet paper towel. After taping them to the window, we predicted what our bean will look like in 1 week, 2 weeks, and finally 3 weeks. It should be interesting!

The homework for tonight is to read The Mixed Up Chameleon, math pg. 1-4 and social studies page 3.

Wednesday in Mrs. Bognetti's Class

Today we practiced our phonics/spelling pattern (-id and -ide). The students have one page of spelling homework. We re-read The Mixed-Up Chameleon and watched a video about real chameleons. Every day we complete two sentences of DLP (Daily Language Practice). We learned about neighborhoods and laws citizens must follow. Each student chose a sign to make to put up in our classroom showing one of the laws we talked about (stop signs, railroad crossings, speed limit, etc.). This afternoon, we learned how to solve word problems. When we see "in all", we know to add and when we see "are left", we know to subtract. The students have one page of homework and will have a test tomorrow on numbers, skip-counting, and word problems. In science, we learned about plants. We watched a video about how we use plants and why they are helpful to us. The students have one page of homework to complete.

Don't forget book orders are due tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tuesday--Miss Calderone's class

Our day started with a story about a sunflower. We reviewed how seeds travel and then began our DLP (Daily Language Practice). Most mornings we’ll complete a couple sentences in our DLP; it requires that the students correct and re-write sentences. After our DLP we wrote a bit in our journals and some students shared what they wrote. After that we reviewed the vocabulary for the story. We got together in partners and completed a sheet which we later corrected together. The next topic on our agenda was main idea and detail. We learned what the purpose of a main idea is and the job of the detail sentences. We then finished the morning with 2 centers. After lunch we came back and immediately began math. We learned about sum and difference and some students shared the number sentences that they thought of. We had to finish math later because we had Art today. When we came back, we finished math and had science to end the day. We reviewed what we learned yesterday, and learned about the jobs of different plant parts today.

The homework for tonight is to read The Mixed Up Chameleon, math 1-3, and science pg. 7 and 8.