Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tuesday, December 4th

This morning we wrote about how water changes seeds.  It is great to do some non-fiction writing!  The students are really enjoying sharing their knowledge of plants and how they grow with the class.  Next, we practiced words with spr, thr, and str through a Making Words activity.  We also learned our vocabulary words and how to read diagrams.  Then, we read our story for this week, From Seed to Plant.  It is a non-fiction story about how plants grow and it goes hand-in-hand with our Science unit.  Part of the Reading test this week will actually count for Science, too.  The children went to art class.  After lunch we read more of Matilda.  Then, the students practiced for their musical that will be next Monday night.  In math, we learned how to write numbers in expanded form.  There is one page of math homework.  At the end of the day, we took a timed test.

Spelling packets are due on Thursday.

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