Today our day began correcting our D.L.P. and writing in our journal. After sharing we partnered up and practiced writing our spelling words using a white board. We then learned how to make a cursive B. We spent some time practicing and then began our shape riddles. We picked an object and then made a web of words to describe that object. After we were done we drew the picture on a white piece of paper very lightly. We then used our web to create sentences and then replaced the lines of the object with our sentences. Essentially the object will be outlined with sentences that describe it. After working on that for some time we completed 3 centers. We finished our morning working with our Washington D.C. groups. After lunch we read Harry Potter and then had math. We reviewed making fractions from groups and then learned about comparing fractions. We did some examples together and then completed some on our own. After math we went to library and finished the day with our Book Buddies.
The homework for tonight will be to read Chinatown, complete math 25-6 (students in Mrs. Bognetti's math may have finished it), and remember to bring in picture and yearbook order forms if you choose to purchase! Tomorrow is Earth Day! Remember to wear green and blue!
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