Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Alphabet Countdown Day---A Day (April 24th)

Today we started an Alphabet Countdown to the last day of school.  For A Day, we made Alphabet books.  I am sending home a list of things we will do each day until the end of the year....starting with letters from A-Z.  We hope to have a little fun every day.  Some days we will need your help.  Please refer to that sheet daily.  Then, we finished reading the Beginner's World Atlas.  We talked about different types of maps and features of North America.  Then, we went to the library.  After, we had guided reading/centers.  In Social Studies, we read more about the first colonies and Paul Revere.  We read The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere, too.  After lunch, we read Poppy Pendle.  Then, we practiced and presented our Washington, D.C. paragraphs.  The students did a great job!  At the end of the day, we did an Explore Activity showing what would happen if water was polluted.  We also reviewed for the Science test and there are two pages of homework to help study.  The Science test will take place tomorrow.

Don't forget that Spelling Packets are due tomorrow as well! 

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