Tuesday, April 30, 2013

E Day-April 30th

Today was Exercise Day!  We had so much fun doing jumping jacks and playing Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes together!  Tomorrow the children can bring a flashlight as we will be reading in the dark. 

This morning after we shared our journals we reviewed our phonics pattern (ou, ough) and we did a Making Words activity with our spelling words.  We introduced the vocabulary words, talked about author's purpose, and read our story for this week Dinosaurs Travel.  Then, we went to art class.  This afternoon we read Poppy Pendle, went to music and gym class and then switched classes for math.  We introduced two dimensional shapes.  Most students have one page of math homework.

Don't forget that the timeline information is due tomorrow as we will be making timelines of events for each child's life.

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