Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tuesday in Mrs. Bognetti's Room

We started our day by writing in our journals, as usual. The students are starting to remember our new routine! Then, we reviewed words with -id and -ide. We started a spelling paper in class, but the students need to finish it for homework tonight. It should be returned tomorrow. We re-read the story Mixed-Up Chameleon in groups. Then, we completed two more sentences of DLP and discussed characteristics of sentences (capital leter, punctuation and it must make sense). We completed a workbook page together. The students went to gym and LRC today. After lunch, we went to an assembly and played a Jeopardy game to remind the students how to be SAFE, RESPONSIBLE, and RESPECTFUL at Wesley School. In math, we practiced solving addition and subraction story problems. We talked about how the words "in all" tell us to add and the words "are left" tell us to subtract. The students have one page of math homework. In Social Studies, we read about neighborhoods and learned how people must follow laws. We talked about different signs we see in neighborhoods and then each child chose one to make. We can't wait to show you them on Curriculum Night, September 15th.

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