Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wednesday in Mrs. Bognetti's Room

This morning we wrote in our journals and then reviewed our phonics pattern. We completed our spelling worksheet in class. We acted out the story of The Enormous Turnip. We worked on two sentences of DLP. Then, we analyzed a couple of pages from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. We looked for quotation marks; a clue that dialogue is occuring. During guided reading, we practiced looking for those quotation marks and figured out who was saying the words. When you are reading at home, try practicing with your child! We got through two centers today. The students have one page of grammar to finish on nouns for homework. In Social Studies, we started working on landform booklets. We wrote definitions of each type of landform and now we are illustrating them. This afternoon, we learned about ordering numbers in math. We told which number came "before", "after", or "between" numbers. We used number lines and hundreds charts to help. Mrs. Bognetti's math class does not have homework, while Mrs. Walter's class does. In Science, we started researching dinosaurs on The students can use that website on an upcoming dinosaur project...information to be sent home soon! Also, coming home today are the students' pictures and test results from the Theme 1 Literacy test. If you would like to view the test, please email me to make an appointment, or you can view it at conference time. I do not need you to sign the results and send them can keep them!

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