Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thursday in Mrs. Bognetti's Room

This morning we wrote some ways Johnny Appleseed helped the Earth. Then, we wrote down one way we could help the Earth. Then, we watched a movie about Johnny Appleseed with Mrs. Walter's class. We visited the Book Fair. If your child did not bring money today and would like to purchase a book, he/she may bring money tomorrow or Monday. We reviewed words with -eer and -ear. The students have one page of spelling homework. We talked about main ideas and details. We completed our DLP and a workbook page on capitalizing days of the week. We completed four guided reading groups today and read with our Book Buddies. This afternoon, we learned about pictographs in math class. Both classes have math homework, though I did collect a couple that finished in my class. In Science, we watched a movie about our dental health and finished our dental packets. We will begin studying body parts next. Don't forget we have a Reading and Spelling test tomorrow.

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