Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thursday in Mrs. Bognetti's Room

Today we began the day by writing in our journals. Our topic today was, "If a rabbit ate the vegetables in my garden, I would..." The students were coming up with some very creative resolutions, such as building a fence around their garden. We then began literacy by reviewing the word endings, -s, -es, and -ies. We practiced making different words plural by using these endings. Then we reviewed our vocabulary words from our story, Pumpkin Fiesta. We have a Reading test and a Spelling test tomorrow, so the reading books will be sent home with your students. We did our centers today and read with our 4th grade book buddies from Mrs. Walters' class. After lunch, Mrs. Barrett read Harry Potter to the class. In math, we practiced our subtraction. Both, Mrs. Bognetti's and Mrs. Walter's classes have homework. After math we went to the library and then practiced the cursive letter, "h."

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