Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wednesday in Mrs. Bognetti's Room

Today we began the day by writing in our journals. The topic today was, "If I spent a day on a farm, I would..." After that, we reviewed words with the vowels -ou and -ow that make the "ow," sound. We also reviewed pronouns and practiced identifying them in sentences. After lunch, Mrs. Barrett read Harry Potter to the class. In Social Studies, we read about the Land of Freedom and did vocabulary cards for the words: freedom, motto, and monument. In math, we practice comparing and contrasting. Students in Mrs. Bognetti's math class have homework. Students in Mrs. Walter's math class also have homework. Today we also had an assembly. Students from the high school came to Wesley to perform Willy Wonka. After the play, we practiced cursive and learned the letter, "s."

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