Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday in Mrs. Bognetti's Room

We are using every minute we have left to work, work, work! This morning we reviewed words with -ew and -ui. Then, we completed an activity on contractions. We went to a play of fractured fairy tales. Then, we had music class. We took our spelling and reading tests. In math, we learned the concept of division and how to repeatedly subtract to find the answer to a division problem. The children were so excited to see the link between division and multiplication! They do have one page of homework over the weekend. Then, we got ready for the summer reading program (note sent home today). We stuffed 8 envelopes full of books for each child to read over the summer. They get to keep the books at no cost to you! They were ecstatic! At the end of the day, we got our dioramas out of the cases in the lobby and they were returned home. Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!

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