Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday in Mrs. Bognetti's Class

This morning we reviewed words with -ear. We completed an activity in class using these words. Then, we completed our DLP and took our spelling test. I counted all of the abbreviations only as an assessment for abbreviations, Reading 2.01. All of the spelling worksheets from this week will be counted under the same standard. Then, we read with our 4th grade book buddies and completed two guided reading groups/centers. We took our reading test. This afternoon, we finished Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. The class was so excited as the book came to an end! In math, we learned how to add groups of coins. My class does have math homework, some from Mrs. Walter's class do, and none of Mrs. Barrett's class does. In Social Studies, we wrote definitions for and drew pictures of oceans, rivers, and mountains. Then, the highlight of our day came during Science time. We became paleontologists as we cleaned our fossils with tools. They look fabulous! They will be displayed along with our Dinosaur Dioramas, which we began to present today. Everyone is doing an excellent job reading their reports and making eye contact with the audience. Thank you so much for practicing with your child at home! Have a wonderful weekend!

Don't forget to send in a roll of toilet paper for a game at the Halloween party on Monday!

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