Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tuesday in Mrs. Bognetti's room

Today we flip-flopped our schedule such that our other second grade friends could take their MAP tests. We started our day with math. We switched groups today and started studying graphs. We learned about bar graphs and picture graphs today. Most students have math homework. Then, we took our science tests. After, we read about conservation in Social Studies and made our last vocabulary card. We will have a Social Studies test on Friday this week. Sorry for the two tests in one week, but that is the way our units ended up! I tried to spread them out as best as possible. The students have a piece of paper with the page numbers to be reviewed as well as their vocabulary words and cards. Please help them review over the next couple of days. The S.S. book should come home tonight. I won't send it tomorrow because of the musical. This afternoon, we reviewed our phonics pattern, introduced the vocabulary words and read our story for the week, From Seed to Plant. We completed our DLP and did an activity on the months of the year as well. I sent home the spelling packets today (sorry, I forgot yesterday...new routine for me, too!) and gave the children some time in class to complete at least one of the pages. Don't forget they are due on Thursday. Thanks!

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