Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tuesday in Mrs. Bognetti's Class

This morning we learned about words that end in y. When we want to make them plural, we have to change the y to an i and then add ed. We completed an activity using those words with a partner and we introduced our spelling words, too. We completed our DLP and talked about possessive nouns. We also went to the computer lab and had some time for Think Tac Toe. This afternoon, we took the math portion of the AIMS-WEB test. Then, in math class, we did some problem solving. Everyone has a math test tomorrow, so a review sheet was sent home with the students. Some also have a math worksheet as well. We took a timed test and I'm sad because only one student passed the addition facts today! If your child is stuck on a number, please practice with him/her! In Science, we read about the rain forest. We read about the different layers and took some notes. Then, we made trees and animals to add to our bulletin board in the hallway. The students have one page of science homework. The spelling packet was sent home. It is due on Thursday.

1 comment:

Peggy Broadbent said...

That’s wonderful that you involve the parents in helping children achieve math facts.

I’m retired now but taught for many years. I felt that after understanding math, it was important to know all facts. Timed tests in my combined first and second grades, also used a bar graph to keep track of their scores. And much to my surprise initially, the children loved taking timed tests. They were so disappointed if we couldn’t have one. Timed tests were for addition and subtraction with multiplication, and division tests for those who were ready.

See my entry about timed tests:



