Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday, October 29th

This morning we wrote about baking cakes.  We will read a story this week about a Hedgehog who makes a cake with his friends. We will be talking a lot about making foods in the kitchen this week.  Try including your son or daughter when preparing for meals in your home this week.  Explain the steps you go through when making a certain dish and especially show your child the recipe!  We then learned our phonics pattern for this week -our.  We completed a worksheet together using words with our and then introduced our spelling words.  We did a spelling word sort.  Then, we completed our DLP and talked about proper nouns (people's names).  In Social Studies we worked on and nearly finished our Landform Models.  They look great!  This afternoon we set up our Book Bags for this week and then went to math.  We used fact families to add higher numbers. Students do have math homework. We took a timed test, too.   At the end of the day, we went to the computer lab. 

4 DAYS UNTIL THE DINOSAUR PROJECTS ARE DUE!!!!!  Don't forget that your child needs to turn in the diorama with a paragraph written in his or her own words by Friday!

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