Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wednesday, November 28th

We had another great day today!  First we wrote about what farmers do.  Then, we read a book called Tops and Bottoms.  Ask your child about the trick Hare played on Bear.  They loved it! Then, we practiced our play, Johnny Appleseed.  After we went to the library, we had two groups of centers/guided reading.  In Social Studies, we learned about income, goods and services.  We shared what jobs our parents do to earn money. We found that some of the children do not know what their parents do!  Please share with your child so he/she knows about your important job.  We also talked about budgets that families must follow and how we have to pay for needs before wants.  It was an interesting conversation!  This afternoon we silent read.  In math, we learned about hundreds.  The children have one page of math homework.  We went to a PBIS assembly and we finished the day with a little bit of Science.

There will be no blog tomorrow or Friday.  I am very fortunate to have an opportunity to represent our district at the National Math Conference in Chicago for the next two days.  I will be learning about new common core mathematics and getting math ideas to add to our classrooms in Addison.  Mrs. Merkle will be subbing in the classroom.  She will accompany the class to the ballet on Friday as well.  Have a wonderful week and weekend!

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