Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Our First Day!

We had a wonderful day today! We began our day with a story followed by some introductions. I shared 5 things about myself and then answered some questions, and then each student stood up and shared one thing about themselves. It was really neat to learn about all of the new students! We then went back and began putting some of our supplies away. Before we were done, we went to the PBIS assembly where we talked about good choices outside, in the hallway, lunchroom, and washroom. When we came back we finished putting our supplies away. After lunch, we read another story about monsters going to school! We made sure to talk about the book not being real :). After that we wrote about what we look forward to in second grade and even got a chance to color a bit! Before going to library, we began a survey about our school and class. We were able to finish that when we came back. While at library, we had a lot of fun on the computers! We'll get to begin checking out books next week. Our day ended with reviewing letter sounds. Please look in your child's take home folder; there are many important pieces of information!

I hope your child had a great first day and I will see you tomorrow!

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