Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thursday--Miss Calderone's class

Today we began our day very well! Everybody came in quietly and remembered what to do! We started our day reading a story and then worked on phonics. After that, we each got a boy or girl cut-out and colored ourselves exactly as we looked today! We then used white boards to make words with new “chunks” that we learned. For example, one chunk was –est. Students thought about and wrote words with that chunk: west, best, test, etc. I had some very long lists! We then wrote in our journals about something we want to learn in second grade. We finished the morning making more words with “chunks”. After lunch, we came back and began reading Harry Potter! We then made big, bold, and beautiful drawings for our book boxes! They look awesome! Students talked with their neighbors about really neat things they saw in their science book and then together we made a t-chart about topics we already knew about and things we want to learn more about. We started the new chapter on plants by making a web about what we know already about plants. We then had P.E. (gym) at the end of the day. We had a great second day!

The only homework is to read 20 minutes tonight.

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