Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday--Miss Calderone's class

Today we started our day right away with music and P.E. When we came back we wrote in our November journal about what we did over the weekend. This week we will not be reading a story or having a spelling list so there is no D.L.P. Instead, we'll be focusing on writing and doing some Thanksgiving activities. After sharing our journals we began brainstorming for our fall feeling poem. We thought about fall and listed what we smell, see, feel, hear, and taste in fall. Together, we wrote a poem. This was to model their winter poem that they will be writing. We worked for a bit of time brainstorming for our winter poems. We then finished our morning completing our Theme Test. After lunch we got our Thanksgiving themed center packet and our new guided reading books. We did not have any centers today, so we will begin them tomorrow. We then had math. We warmed up by reading some times on the clock. We then completed a sheet independently and with a partner. We correct those both together. We also took a quick assessment. I put a time on the large clock and the students wrote the time. This was to tell me if there's anything we need to work on. We also had a fire drill in the middle of math and the students did an excellent job lining up quietly and following directions. In science we finished our habitat drawings! The look awesome! Our day ended with media center. We learned how to capitalize letters on the computer and even got to type paragraphs! This will help us when we type our winter poems!

The homework for tonight is to get your reading test signed, finish your winter brainstorming, and study for the science test (a note will go out tomorrow). Also, if you are in my math class, you have a sheet of homework.

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