Monday, December 7, 2009

Monday--Miss Calderone's class

Our day started with music followed by P.E. As soon as we got back, we corrected our DLP and wrote in our December journal about what we did over the weekend. After sharing our journals, we learned the three new chunks for this week: spr-, str-, and thr-. We read a poem and found all of the chunks together and then took our spelling pretest. We corrected the words as a class and then completed 2 centers. After lunch we came back and went straight into math M.A.P.'s testing! The students did a great job so we had indoor recess for about 10 minutes after returning. Our day ended with math. We reviewed chapter 10 and then took our test.

The homework for tonight is to read From Seed to Plant. This is a tough story and you may do a couple pages at night if necessary. Also, please sign and return the reading test. Thank you so very much for all of the donations to our sponsored little boy; We're really going to help him out :)

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