Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thursday in Mrs.Bognetti's Room

This morning we reviewed words with ear and eer. We highlighted words with this pattern in a poem to put in our book boxes. We completed a workbook page. The students started their spelling assignment, but need to finish for homework. We completed two sentences of DLP today. We also completed two centers. Our fourth grade book buddies were excited to read with us today. This afternoon in math we talked about time relationships (minute=60 seconds, hour=60 minutes, day=24 hours, week=7 days, month=4 weeks, year=12 months). We put cards in order from the shortest time to the longest time. The students have one page of homework. It seems easy, but don't let your student rush through it and make a silly mistake! In Science, we started an experiment to see how ducks stayed dry. We made some good predictions about what will happen, but since it takes a long time to color ducks COMPLETELY, most students will have to test their duck tomorrow. At the end of the day, the students went to Music class. If you haven't let me know what your conference preference is, please send that sheet back to school as soon as you can so that I can meet with each of you in the upcoming week! Thanks!

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