Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thursday in Mrs. Bognetti's Room

This morning we practiced clapping out syllables. We broke down words and divided the syllables between the base words and their endings. Then, we discussed more about the main idea, looked at some sample paragraphs, and found the main idea in each. We have one page of spelling homework tonight. We completed our DLP. Then, we discussed colorful words (adjectives). We talked about what it would be like if our favorite pet (real or imaginary) went missing. How would we describe our pet to someon else? We made a list of questions we would ask. Then, we created posters of our pets to show what they look like and wrote about the pet using our best descriptive words. We will finish our posters tomorrow. We completed four guided reading groups/centers. We also read with our Book Buddies. This afternoon, we read some of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. In math, some of the children switched groups. We started a new chapter on money. Today we learned about pennies, nickels, and dimes along with each of their values. Then, we added coins together to buy certain items. Both classes have homework. If your child is in my math class, ask him/her to sing you the song we learned about coins. At the end of the day, we went to the library and had another Mystery Reader!


samantha said...

samantha INSISTED we could not use QUARTERS On the math home work because the title was NICKELS PENNIES AND DIMES. THE EXAMPLE DID NOT INCLUDE QUARTERS so samantha would not use them. After doing other home work we came back to it.

john said...

samantha INSISTED we could not use QUARTERS On the math home work because the title was NICKELS PENNIES AND DIMES. THE EXAMPLE DID NOT INCLUDE QUARTERS so samantha would not use them. After doing other home work we came back to it.
sorry if this is a duplicate. I am just learning.
john carroll samantha's grandpa.