Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday in Mrs. Bognetti's Room

This morning we learned about the suffixes -er and -est and how they change the meanings of words. We introduced our spelling words and completed an activity in class. Then, we corrected three sentences of DLP. We talked about the verbs has, have, and had and when to use them. Then, we completed two guided reading groups. In Science, we talked about the life cycles of animals. We drew pictures of baby, youth and adult animals. We watched a video clip showing examples. The students need to re-read the lesson and complete the outline for homework. In math, we started learning about fractions. They completed their work in class. In Social Studies, we read about Colonies and made three vocabulary cards. At the end of the day, the students went to gym class. Don't forget that the regular Reading and Spelling tests will take place on Thursday.

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