Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thursday in Mrs. Bognetti's Room

We got a lot done today! First, we talked about words with -ar, -arm, and -ark. Then, we worked on a spelling worksheet that needs to be finished for homework. Then, we read some charts and graphs, completed 4 sentences of DLP and re-read our story. After, we completed a worksheet on proper nouns. We completed four groups of guided reading. Then, we read with our 4th grade book buddies. After lunch, we read a little of Harry Potter. In math, we learned how to tell time using words like "20 minutes past 3" and "25 minutes before 4". It was a challenge! Both classes have math homework tonight. At the end of the day, we went to the library and then read a Time for Kids magazine about children in Alaska. Don't forget there is a Reading and Spelling test tomorrow. Each child should have his/her reading book.

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