Monday, September 10, 2012

Monday, September 10th

We are finally catching on to the routines of second grade!  We write in our journals every morning.  Today we wrote about qualities of a good friend.  Over the next few weeks, we will be reading stories that are themed with friendship.  Then, we introduced the phonics pattern of the week (-ed endings).  After, we introduced our spelling words.  I can tell who studied over the weekend!  We completed a workbook page using our spelling words.  Then, we completed our DLP for today, talked about parts of a paragraph and how to identify sentences using commands and exclamations.  In Social Studies, we read about how communities can change over time.  We made a vocabulary card for the word "history".  Then, we read about different types of communities (urban, rural and suburban) and completed a worksheet in class. This afternoon, we learned how to use doubles addition facts to help us subtract.  The hardest part is to write in words how this strategy helps us subtract.  The students do have one page of homework for tonight.  At the end of the day, the students took their MAP Reading test in the computer lab.  This test helps us to identify students' strengths and weaknesses in the area of reading so that we can tailor our instruction to meet everyone's needs. 

The spelling packet is coming home tonight.  It is due on Thursday, as usual. 

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