Monday, February 8, 2010

Happy 100th Day from Mrs. Bognetti's Room

This morning after gym and music, we worked in a 100th day packet of activities. We shared several of the fill-in-the-blank sentences and some were quite funny! (If I had 100 feet, I'd wear 100 shoes.) We learned about the phonics pattern oi, oy. We completed a workbook page practicing words with that pattern. We also introduced our spelling words and completed another workbook page. We completed our DLP, discussed the five parts of a friendly letter, and talked about adjectives. We introduced the centers for this week and completed one rotation. This afternoon, we read Harry Potter (nearly finished!). In math, we learned how to measure in centimeters and meters. Miss Calderone's class has homework, Mrs. Bognetti's class does not. We made a web on the computers to show who gets paid by taxes (community workers). Then, we walked in the 100th Day parade!!! In Social Studies, we reviewed the steps in which a T-shirt is made. Then, we broke apart the steps and wrote them on "T-shirts" to be hung in the hall. The first base tickets for the Ozzie Reading Club were due today. We will still take them tomorrow if your child finishes. Please sign off on the minutes and send it to school!

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