Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thursday in Mrs.Bognetti's Room

Go USA! Our flags are finished! Each student chose one country that is competing in the Olympics and made a replica of the flag. They are all displayed together, around our American flag in support of our athletes. What an exciting time! Please help your student cut out articles from magazines or newspapers showing the results of competitions to add to our bulletin board. This morning we talked about compound words and broke them up into syllables. We also practiced our spelling words. The students have one page of spelling homework. Then, we reviewed our vocabulary and word wall words for the week. We talked about inferencing and completed a workbook page. The students have one page of english homework to practice finding adjectives (words that describe nouns). We completed our DLP for today, as well. Then, we got through two centers today and had Book Buddies before lunch. This afternoon, we learned about liters and milliliters. If you have anything in your refrigerator that is measured in liters, please show your child. I showed them a medicine dropper that held mL. They couldn't believe how small it was! We finished our math homework and I collected it. In Social Studies, the students re-read our lesson in pairs and then worked on a sheet that asked about different types of bank accounts and earning money. They do need to finish it for homework. At the end of the day, they went to music class.

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