Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tuesday in Mrs. Bognetti's Class

This morning was crazy! Since we have a four day week AND we had an assembly (Jane Addams and the Hull House), we had to rush through a lot of things! First, we briefly talked about words with -oo and -ue. Then, we completed a workbook page and we introduced this week's spelling words. The students have one page of spelling homework. We talked about inferencing and discussed this week's vocabulary words. After, we read the story Dear Mr. Blueberry. Most children did not know what a postmark was. I showed them a sample of one, but if you have some mail with a postmark you could show your child, I think it would really help. We worked on DLP, but did not have a chance to correct it. This afternoon, we talked about capacity (ounces, cups, pints, quarts, and gallons) in detail. The students have one page of math homework. It is difficult, so your child may need some help! At the end of the day, the students went to art class.

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