Friday, September 11, 2009

Happy Friday! Mrs. Bognetti's Class...

This morning we reviewed words with -id and -ide. We also looked at sentences that had words out of order and fixed them so that they made sense. We completed our DLP and I collected it. After that, we took our Reading and Spelling tests. We also finished up our think-tac-toe for the week. We watched a brief movie on plant parts. Next week we will talk about how plants make more plants. In Social Studies, we learned how to read a map using the map key and compass rose. This afternoon, we worked on addition story problems. Each student wrote two of their own math stories and after they have a picture to accompany them, we will bind them into a class book! The students do have one page of math homework. Over the weekend, you can start reading toward our 40 book goal for the trimester. Logs were stapled into the students' folders today. Each time they finish a book, just write it down! They were so excited to be able to earn a punch on their ticket to Hogwarts! Don't forget that listening to books on tape or CD in the car count, too! Have a wonderful weekend.

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