Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wednesday in Mrs. Bognetti's Class

This morning we reviewed words with -at and -ate. I gave the students two sentences to write down (using their best spelling, capitalization, and punctuation) and then we corrected it. The students started their spelling worksheet, but need to finish it for homework. Check it over for your son or daughter! After, we reviewed our vocabulary and word wall words using Power Point presentations. We re-read Wilson Sat Alone with a partner. We completed our DLP sentences for today. Then, we looked at two sample letters (an invitation and a thank-you letter). We thought of a gift we would like someone to give us and started writing pretend thank-you letters. We will finish them in class tomorrow. Then, we completed three centers. In Science, we started learning about animals and the groups they are classified into. Specifically, today we talked about mammals, reptiles and amphibians. Then we watched a video clip showing examples of each. This afternoon we took our math test. Then, we started talking about the concept of "tens". We used linker cubes to make sticks of ten cubes each. We counted by tens to figure out how many cubes we had altogether. The students have one page of homework. In Social Studies, we talked about famous places in Illinois. We also colored our state neighbors on a map. At the end of the day, the children visited the library.

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