Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wednesday in Mrs. Bognetti's Class

Today we practiced our phonics/spelling pattern (-id and -ide). The students have one page of spelling homework. We re-read The Mixed-Up Chameleon and watched a video about real chameleons. Every day we complete two sentences of DLP (Daily Language Practice). We learned about neighborhoods and laws citizens must follow. Each student chose a sign to make to put up in our classroom showing one of the laws we talked about (stop signs, railroad crossings, speed limit, etc.). This afternoon, we learned how to solve word problems. When we see "in all", we know to add and when we see "are left", we know to subtract. The students have one page of homework and will have a test tomorrow on numbers, skip-counting, and word problems. In science, we learned about plants. We watched a video about how we use plants and why they are helpful to us. The students have one page of homework to complete.

Don't forget book orders are due tomorrow!

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