Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thursday in Mrs. Bognetti's Room

This morning we reviewed words with –ame and –ake. We completed a workbook page together. We discussed the author’s purpose for writing: to entertain, to inform, and to persuade. Then, we looked at samples of writing and chose which purpose we thought the author might have been writing for. We re-read the story Get Up and Go! You should re-read the story with your child tonight. The students do get to use their books on their reading test and should be familiar with the story in order to find the answers in a timely manner. The book will come home with your student tonight. We had a practice fire drill today. After, we completed our DLP and grammar worksheet in class. The students do have a spelling worksheet to complete at home. We completed three centers today and had Book Buddies, as well. This afternoon, we read some more of Harry Potter. In math, we played a game to practice adding, learned how to add on a calculator, and reviewed our addition facts. Then, we started the next chapter on subtraction. We learned how to use a number line to subtract and by using an egg carton with objects in it. Ask your child how to make one at home! The students started the math homework in class, but need to finish it for tomorrow. At the end of the day, the students went to the library and we read some more Eric Carle books.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for writing this blog. I am able to read about my child's day before I leave work in the evening. When I get home I can ask specific questions about how his day was, which always turns into a great conversation. It just amazes him how I know specific details about his day. So much fun! Thank you.