Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tuesday in Mrs. Bognetti's Room

Today went by quickly! This morning we practiced changing the y to and i and adding -ed to words. We completed a workbook page together. We made our spelling words with letters that we cut apart. Feel free to use them at home to practice, too! The students have a spelling page for homework. Then, we introduced our vocabulary words. After we talked about what they meant, we completed a workbook page using those words. We looked at the five parts of a friendly letter, discussed what it means to compare and contrast, and we completed our DLP. We read the story Days with Frog and Toad. We worked on a page on subjects of sentences together as well. We completed one center. The students had gym and LRC today. In math today, we used a ten-frame and manipulatives to solve addition and subtraction problems. The students do have one page of math homework. We took our timed-test and an AIMS-WEB test on the math facts as well. In Social Studies, we talked about cardinal directions and maps. Then, we worked in our Illinois Booklets. We learned about and researched the governor in the computer lab, drew our state tree, flower and bird, and colored our state flag. What a productive day! Somewhere in there, we also had our pictures taken!

The students have their Henry and Mudge tests. They need to be signed and sent back to school. Please send back the entire test. Some students have been coming back with just the sheet with the grades on it. In fact, if you would like to keep the grade sheet, that would be fine, but I need the actual test back. Thanks!

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