Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tuesday in Mrs. Walter's Room

Today we got caught up in math. We worked through our workbook quite a bit. After that we taook out our reading books and read through our new story Frog and Toad are Friends. After reading the story we made a chart of how frogs and toads are alike and different. The kids came up with lots of answers for this. After that we went to computer lab. Some of the students finished working on something and were able to print today. In the afternoon we worked through our science book and reviewed for thte test. We watched some videos on BrainPop about the water cycle and volcanoes to help us. Then we got into our social studies book. The students learned all about urban, suburban and rural areas. After learning about these areas the students all voted on which area they would like to live in the most. Surprisingly, they would most like to live in a rural area. make sure to study for our science test on Friday

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