Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wednesday in Mrs. Walter's Room

Today we started out writing in our journals. The students wrote about rules in our school and why we have them. We re-read The Mixed Up Chameleon and worked on our vocabulary words from the story. The students then had a chance to read the story to a friend. They did a great job. We practiced Read to Self again today and the kids worked up to four minutes, though they are certain they could do it for twenty minutes. We are trying to build their stamina slowly. Then we continued our social studies discussion about rules in our community. The students had a chance to make their own road signs. They had a great time doing this. Toward the end of the morning we went to gym class. They also got a homework assignment from the gym teacher today. Though it's really a contest, and should be fun for them. After lunch we practiced more silent reading, and finished up any more road signs that we were working on. Then the students took their math quiz. They did a nice job on their first quiz. We worked on math after that for a bit. We ended our day by making our own mixed up chameleon, and then going to the library where we were able to pick out two books to take home. Keep studying those spelling words for Friday. They also have math homework.

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