Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thursday in Mrs.Bognetti's Room

This morning we reviewed a lot! First, we went over words with -s, -es, and -ies endings. Then, we reviewed the vocabulary words. After, the students worked on a spelling worksheet that need to be completed for homework. We did a workbook page on making predictions and one on possessive nouns (adding an apostrophe s). The students re-read Pumpkin Fiesta on their own. We did get through four guided reading groups, between Mrs. Friedrich and me. Then, we had book buddies. After lunch, we read Harry Potter. In math, we started subtracting tens. Miss Calderone's class DOES have homework, my class completed theirs in class. In Science, we reviewed for our test tomorrow, completed a worksheet together, and watched two video clips showing physical changes and chemical changes. At the end of the day, the students went to music class. Study for the Science, Reading, and Spelling tests tonight!

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