Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thursday--Miss Calderone's class

What a fast day! We began the day finishing March of the Penguins. The students really liked the movie. When we came back we corrected our D.L.P. and silent read. After that we completed 3 centers. We then used the facts that we wrote down from the movie to write informational paragraphs about penguins. We connected them to our penguin finger paints (which we did in art center this week) and hung them out in the hall. They look great! That took up the rest of our morning. We wrote rough drafts, edited ourselves, and wrote final drafts all in 40 minutes! It is so awesome to see how far we've come especially in our writing. After lunch we read Harry Potter for a bit and then switched for math. We reviewed chapter 19 and had our test. After math we had science. We started by reviewing lungs and then watched a movie about bones! After discussing we took a quiz about the movie. Our day ended with P.E.

The homework for tonight is grammar pg. 138, read/study The Emperor's Egg, spelling packet/study, and sign the note about the Harry Potter movie!

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