Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tuesday--Miss Calderone's class

Today our day started out writing in our March journals. We used the word wall words in sentences and then projected them for the whole class to see. After reading the sentences we began reviewing genres of stories. We discussed an informational story, play, and fantasy. We then found the stories that we read that matched these genres and glued them into the appropriate category. We then discussed story elements and separated authors, characters, titles, and settings into their correct box. Please see your child's folder for this activity. After that we completed 2 centers. Our day ended taking the pretest for the next Theme. After lunch we switched straight to math. We learned about slides, turns, and flips. We completed a sheet together that had us using a trapezoid block to complete these moves. We then had some volunteers come to the board to show us certain moves with a 2-D shape. After math we went to art and finished the day with science. We reviewed what we learned about the heart and then watched a movie on the digestive system. We took a quiz and had a bit of time to go over the quiz together.

The homework for tonight is math 20-3. Please continue reading and filling out the reading log for the classroom and for Ozzie!

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